Home 9 News 9 4th international seminar by CHG 29th February-1st March, 2024 – Politecnico di Torino (Valentino Castle) 27 02 2024

4th international seminar by CHG 29th February-1st March, 2024 – Politecnico di Torino (Valentino Castle) 27 02 2024


Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli 39

29th february – 1st march 2024

Curated by Erica Lenticchia, Cesare Tocci, Edoardo Piccoli, Giulio Ventura

The fourth edition of the CHG seminar considers the theme of hidden structures. By this expression, we mean specific devices or systems with structural function, hidden from view either intentionally (so as to make specific structural solutions possible, and sometimes to disguise them), or by their own nature (such as wooden or metal ties – in Italian, “radiciamenti” – embedded in masonry walls, or certain types of foundations), and therefore detectable only through documentary evidence or particular inspections or methods of investigation.

The papers will focus on non-ordinary structures, endowed with a certain degree of complexity and articulation, as well as on the presentation of devices highlighting gaps or conflicts between construction cultures and architectural theories, or formal principles. Issues of structural “sincerity” or “insincerity”, therefore, will be investigated, including particularly significant episodes in construction history, and historiographical cases regarding the “rediscovery” of hidden structures.

Link to the full programme:
