Home 9 News 9 7ICCH Seventh International Congress on Construction History (Lisbon, School of Architecture) 12-16 07 2021

7ICCH Seventh International Congress on Construction History (Lisbon, School of Architecture) 12-16 07 2021

The 7ICCH – Seventh International Congress on Construction History will be broadcast live from Lisbon, on 12-16 July 2021. Call for abstract is open now (from 18th May to 12th July 2020).

Link here

The CHG members are participating with accepted papers:

Open Session: Building Actors I (18th-20th centuries)

Monday, 12 July, 12h30-15h30

Building the ephemeral in Turin, capital of the Savoyard States (Valentina Burgassi & Mauro Volpiano)

Open Session: Building Actors II (1900s-1920s)

Monday, 12 July, 12h30-15h30

Luigi Santarella: Reinforced concrete design culture through the technical literature (Alberto Bologna & Cinzia Gavello)

Open Session: Construction Processes VII (1950s-1960s)

Tuesday, 13 July, 16h00-16h00

Masonry and its role in the mid-20th century: G area houses in the Le Vallette district of Turin (Maria Luisa Barelli & Cesare Tocci)

Open Session: Knowledge transfer I (13th-18th centuries)

Tuesday, 15 July, 13h30-15h30

The roots of the 18th century turning point in earthquake-resistant building (Cesare Tocci, Caterina Felicita Carocci & Valentina Macca)