Building the ephemeral in Turin, capital of the Savoy States Coordinators: V. Burgassi, M. Volpiano (Principal Investigator – PI)

The extensive literature on ephemeral architecture in the modern age is rarely encountered in building historiography. Yet even the architecture of festivities or other recurrent occasions, especially in the capital cities of the ancien régime, demanded complex technical and decision-making processes just as much as the construction of palaces of more lasting importance. In the centuries of absolutism, Europe had a passion for rituals and ephemeral representations. In particular, they were set up on the occasion of significant dynastic events such as weddings, funerals and ascensions to the throne. Besides, plenty of religious and civil events were sponsored by local authorities such as municipalities. These multiple celebrations may involve churches, palaces or the entire urban space. If we look at the States of the House of Savoy, located in the geographical area straddling the Alps between France and Italy, there is now wide-ranging historiography on the subject. Scholars highlight above all the aspects of political legitimisation, the iconographic and iconological dimension, the historical-institutional one, and also contribute to a broader recognition of cultural contexts and the social and cultural history.
This research project looks at the creation of these decorative structures as strictly regulated processes, interwoven with the politics of the Savoy kingdom just as much as the construction of palaces and strategic fortresses scattered throughout their territory. Erecting these temporary structures, therefore, required meticulous consideration, evidence of which can be found by delving into the archival sources.
Valentina Burgassi (PI), Politecnico di Torino
Mauro Volpiano (PI), Politecnico di Torino
Short Bibliography:
Bertagna, U. 1981. Gli apparati celebrativi. In B. Bertini Casadio & I. Massabò Ricci (eds), I rami incisi dell’Archivio di Corte: sovrani, battaglie, architettura, topografia: 226-233. Torino: Archivio di Stato di Torino.
Burgassi, V., Volpiano M., 2020. Traditions and Innovations: the construction of the court palaces and the role of professional figures in Eighteenth-century Piedmont. In J.W.P. Campbell (eds), Iron, Steel and Buildings. Studies in the History of Construction. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Construction History Society: 275-286. Cambridge: The Construction History Society.
Burgassi, V., Volpiano M., 2021. Building the Ephemeral in Turin, Capital of the Savoy States. In Building the ephemeral in Turin, capital of the Savoyard states, J. Mascarenhas-Mateus (Eds) “History of Construction Cultures, Volume I. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Construction History”, New York, Leiden: Taylor & Francis Group, 2021, pp. 457-462.
Burgassi V., 2024 (forthcoming). Costruire l’effimero alla corte sabauda. Modelli, architetti e maestranze nella città capitale tra XVI e XVII secolo. In G. Cicali, J. Ferdinand, S. Frommel (eds), Sospendere l’effimero. L’Arte della Festa in Europa tra Cinque e Seicento, 261-274. Roma: Campisano, 2024.
Burgassi V., 2023. Due Cristine a confronto: tradizioni costruttive di archi trionfali alla corte sabauda (XVI-XVII secolo). In Baglione C., Pace S. (a cura di), Al femminile. L’architettura, le arti e la storia. 44-63. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2023.
Burgassi V., 2025 (forthcoming). Royal Encounters and Architectural Splendour: Unveiling the Thriumphal Entry of Queen Christina of Sweden in Turin (1656). In Christensen T.K., Kandare C., Haidenthaller Y. (eds), Christina in Context. A celebration of Queen Christina of Sweden at 400. 44-63. Leida: Brill, 2025.
Cornaglia, P. 2006. Matrimoni alla corte sabauda del Settecento. In M. Fagiolo (ed.), Atlante tematico del Barocco in Italia. Le Capitali della Festa. Vol. I. Italia Settentrionale: 96-98. Roma: De Luca.
Devoti, C. & Defabiani V. 2006. La corte, la festa, la città. In M. Fagiolo (ed.), Atlante tematico del Barocco in Italia. Le Capitali della Festa. Vol. I. Italia Settentrionale: 50-57. Roma: De Luca.
Fagiolo M. & Madonna M.L. 1985. Barocco romano e barocco italiano: il teatro, l’effimero, l’allegoria. Roma: Gangemi.
Fagiolo M. 2006. Introduzione alla festa: il Laboratorio delle Arti e la Città Effimera. In M. Fagiolo (ed.), Atlante tematico del Barocco in Italia. Le Capitali della Festa. Vol. I. Italia Settentrionale: 9-49. Roma: De Luca.
Sturm S., Fagiolo M., 2022. Le corti europee del teatro barocco. Disegni di scenografie fra Italia, Francia e Impero: le collezioni di Stoccolma e di Bucarest. Roma: Gangemi Editore. 2022.
Varallo, F. 2019. Feste per la reggenza. In C. Arnaldi di Balme & M.P. Ruffino (eds), Madame Reali. Cultura e potere da Parigi a Torino. Cristina di Francia e Giovanna Battista di Savoia Nemours 1619-1724: 59-66. Torino: Sagep.
Viale Ferrero, M. 1965. Feste delle Madame Reali di Savoia. Torino: Istituto Bancario San Paolo.