Home 9 News 9 Call for abstract “Virtuosity. Ethics and Aesthetics of the Technical Gesture from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century” 14-15-16 01 2021

Call for abstract “Virtuosity. Ethics and Aesthetics of the Technical Gesture from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century” 14-15-16 01 2021

International conference 14,15,16 january 2021. Proposals for papers should be sent by May 30th to Jean-Marie Guillouët (jmguillouet@gmail.com) and Valérie Nègre (valerie-negre@wanadoo.fr) in the form of a summary of a maximum of 2,000 characters. They must be accompanied by a short one-page CV.

The conference will be held at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art with the support of the INHA, the Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (Paris) and the Centre François Viete (Nantes).
Link here.