Home 9 News 9 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Getty Residential Scholars: Repair 18 07 2024

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Getty Residential Scholars: Repair 18 07 2024

Getty Residential Scholars: Repair
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, 2025–26

Applications due by 1 October 2024

For 2025–2026, Getty invites scholars and arts professionals to apply for a residential fellowship on the topic of repair, a theme that bridges time periods, world geographies, and professional practices.

Applicants need to complete and submit the online Getty Scholar Grant application form with the following:
1  Project Proposal (not to exceed five pages, typed and double-spaced): Each application must include a description of the applicant’s proposed plan for study and research (not to exceed five pages, typed and double-spaced). The proposal should indicate:
• how the project addresses the annual theme
• if applicable, how it would benefit from the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.
• Applicants for AAAHI grants should additionally describe how their projects will generate new knowledge in the field of African American art history.
2  Curriculum Vitae
3  Optional Writing Sample

Applicants will be notified of their application outcome approximately six months after the deadline.

Email: researchgrants@getty.edu

More info here