The Construction History Group
The Construction History Group (CHG) responds to the recent development of Construction History in the international scenario. The CHG is open to scholars and PhD students of the Politecnico di Torino who carried out research or are investigating the history of construction in the fields of architecture and engineering, particularly from the early modern to the contemporary period.
The group intends to support research and teaching related to the history of construction. It is our intention to provide space on the website to report courses, conferences, and exhibitions that intersect the themes of CHG organised by the Politecnico di Torino but also outside of it, especially when members of the group are involved.
The research themes and the purpose of the group perfectly fit with the mission and the tradition of the Politecnico di Torino, and we will also encourage investigations into the archival heritage of our University and the past publications of our scholars and researchers that testify the important contribution given to the history of construction.
The CHG aims to discuss studies related to the history of construction in a wider context (actors, processes, economies, techniques, theories…). However, although we support and encourage a multidisciplinary approach, this does not mean that there are no boundaries. In line with the current recommendations provided by the History of Construction international congresses, we consider important to point out that the works of pure description of artefacts or analyses exclusively focused on other fields of research or professional practices (restoration, energy calculation, etc.) are not included among the research topics that the group intends to promote. On the other hand, although we express full interest in the ongoing international debate on the “identity” of CH, the Group will not seek to establish a separate and specific disciplinary statute for the “construction history”: we believe it is important – and consistent with the mission of our University – to welcome different points of view, disciplines and different training experience.
About us:
Join the CHG
In addition to an essential academic interest in construction history, the new members of the Construction History Group are required to bring to the CHG’s academic collectivity one or more previous or ongoing experiences/research in the field and at least two publications related to construction history. These publications will primarily define the profile of the group member on the web page. For young researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and Ph.D. students, the required experience can be limited to their current PhD research/research grant. However, any publications, even if in progress, should be listed. More generally, new members are required to be aware of the current issues, new challenges, and main areas of research related to CH in its current development, in line with other associations and academic institutes in the field, and to follow the principles set out in the group’s presentation on the official website.
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“Trattato della cognizione pratica delle resistenze, geometricamente dimostrato” by Giovan Battista Borra, Torino: Stamperia Reale, 1748. Collections of the Politecnico di Torino