Home 9 News 9 Congress on Vittone (250 years after his death) 22 10 2020

Congress on Vittone (250 years after his death) 22 10 2020

Politecnico di Torino honors the death of Bernardo Vittone, one of the most original architect of Baroque in Italy and Europe. “Vittone 250. L’archivio disperso di un architetto del Settecento: Nuovi contributi su B. Vittone, 1704-70” edited by R. Caterino, F. Favaro, F. Novelli, E. Piccoli. Salone d’Onore, Castello del Valentino, 22 October 2020 (here the program for reservations pdf and the website: Vittone250

About the conference: here the link to the article in the “Giornale dell’Architettura” and here some considerations on Vittone by Portoghesi during “Vittone250”.