First Workshop of the Construction History Group (Politecnico di Torino – DAD) in partnership with: Collegio di Architettura (Politecnico di Torino)

October 4th-9th 2021, Torino: Lingotto (Room 300) and Valentino Castle (Room 7V)
The first workshop of the CHG “Salirò, salirò. Due architetture spericolate di scuola antonelliana” is organised by the members of the Construction History Group – Politecnico di Torino – (professors Carla Bartolozzi, Annalisa Dameri, Maurizio Gomez-Serito, Francesco Novelli, Edoardo Piccoli, Roberta Spallone, Cesare Tocci, Marco Vitali, Mauro Volpiano. Teaching assistants: Valentina Burgassi, Elena Campana, Daniele Dabbene) with the partnership of Collegio di Architettura. The workshop will take place from 4th to 9th October, 2021. 2 CFU (50 hours). 24 places available for students enrolled (or to be enrolled for the academic year 2021-2022) in PoliTo MACC, MASt, MAP. The informations for participation are here.
For interested applicants, please send an email with a copy of your identity card or Passport and CV in a unique pdf to
The programme is now available here