
Marco Alforno

Maria Luisa Barelli
(CHG Executive Board)
Carla Bartolozzi
(CHG Executive Board)

Silvia Beltramo

Clara Bertolini Cestari

Enrica Bodrato

Valentina Burgassi
(CHG Coordinator)

Gentucca Canella

Rosa Caruso
(CHG Scientific Assistant)

Rosario Ceravolo

Michela Comba

Annalisa Dameri

Giulia De Lucia
Vilma Fasoli

Maurizio Gomez Serito

Erica Lenticchia

Tanja Marzi

Rossella Maspoli

Manuela Mattone

Paolo Mellano

Alessia Monaco

Enrico Moncalvo

Sofia Nannini

Monica Naretto

Fabrizio Natta

Manfredo Nicolis di Robilant

Francesco Novelli

Edoardo Piccoli
(CHG Coordinator)

Alice Pozzati
Fulvio Rinaudo

Davide Rolfo

Roberta Spallone

Cesare Tocci

Fiammetta Venuti

Giulio Ventura

Marco Vitali

Monica Volinia

Mauro Volpiano
(CHG Coordinator)
PhD Students

Renata Finocchiaro

Maria Luisa Barelli
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Maria Luisa Barelli, architect and Ph.D. in Architecture and building design, is associate professor of Architectural Technology at the Politecnico di Torino. She has carried out studies on the evolution of the ways of building and on the recovery and regeneration of the nineteenth and twentieth century building heritage. Her scientific research activity in the CH field covered topics as the use of the Hennebique patents, the industrial architecture, the construction systems of de l’Orme in some interpretations of the late nineteenth century, the artificial stone. Currently her main interests focus on the architecture of the second half of the twentieth century, with studies on some works by Sergio Jaretti and Elio Luzi, Giorgio Raineri, Roberto Gabetti and Aimaro Isola, aiming to explore the use of materials and techniques, to reconstruct the developments of building production and construction site, to observe the relationships between technical choices and expressive and symbolic values.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction history; industrial architecture; de l’Orme arches; windows and glass façades; artificial stone; Jaretti and Luzi
M.L. Barelli, C. Tocci, ‘Masonry and its role in the mid-20th century: G area houses in the Le Vallette district of Turin’, pp. 177-184, in J. Mascarenhas-Mateus (Eds) History of Construction Cultures, Volume II. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Construction History, New York, Leiden: Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
M.L. Barelli, D. Rolfo, Il palazzo dell’Obelisco di Jaretti e Luzi. Progetto e costruzione, Roma: Gangemi, 2018.
M.L. Barelli, A. Lucchesi, ‘Pietra artificiale’, pp. 66-83, in L. Cupelloni (Ed.), Materiali del moderno. Campo, temi e modi del progetto di riqualificazione, Roma: Gangemi, 2017.
M.L. Barelli, I tetti sono come alberi, pp. 216-221, in C. Piva (Ed.), Paesaggi piemontesi. Gabetti & Isola + Isolarchitetti + 9 architetture “minori”, Firenze Aion, 2008.
M.L. Barelli, Maurizio Lucat, Silvia Mantovani, ‘Stone Cladding Techniques in Handbooks’, Stone in Modern Buildings. Principles of Cladding, Preservation Technology Dossier No. 6, april 2003, pp. 25-29.
M.L. Barelli, A. M. Zorgno, ‘Un’architettura ritrovata: l’industria fra immagine e costruzione’, pp. 67-118, in M. Barelli (Ed.), Catalogue Fabbriche Formato Cartolina. Patrimonio industriale biellese e valsesiano nelle cartoline d’epoca, Torino: Celid, 1995.

Carla Bartolozzi
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Carla Bartolozzi, architect, is Full Professor of Restoration at the Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design. Coordinator of the School of Architecture; member of the Teaching Boards of the Postgraduate School and of the PhD course in Architectural and Landscape Heritage. Scientific Responsible of LabDia Laboratory (Non Destructive Diagnostics, PoliTO); Member EAAE, ANVUR Disciplinary Expert. In the last ten years she has been Scientific Responsible of the following researches: ‘Post Vatican II liturgical adjustments: the reasons of liturgy and the reasons of conservation’ (CEI – Compagnia di San Paolo); ‘Municipal Seats in Piedmont’ (Compagnia di San Paolo) until 2010; ‘Instead of Restoration: culture and practice of maintenance’ (Compagnia di San Paolo, 2013 -15); ‘Technologies applied to the enhancement and conservation of cultural heritage: Italy-Algeria bilateral project’ (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2016); ‘Save the traditional Village: research and teaching activities with Shanghai Jiao Tong University’ (China, since 2016); European Erasmus + project : ‘ERAMCA (Environmental risk assessment and mitigation on Cultural Heritage assets in Central Asia)’, responsible for Restoration area (from 2020). Gold Medal Italian Award Sustainable Architecture XIII edition, University of Ferrara (2018). She has designed and directed numerous restoration projects in Italy (1998-2018).
Bartolozzi, XIX century memories and landmarks on Roosevelt Island / Memorie del XIX secolo e landmarks su Roosevelt Island, pp. 24-37, in F. Leoni, F. Novelli (Eds), Smallpox Hospital & Roosevelt Island. Preservation, reconfiguration and adaptive reuse. Studiesa and project for enhancement. Temi di conservazione, riconfigurazione e adaptive reuse. Studi e progetti per la valorizzazione, Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2020.
Bartolozzi, Cosa perdiamo quando gli edifici non sono tutelati. Il riuso del Palavela e dei Padiglioni delle Regioni in occasione dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali di Torino del 2006, pp. 8, in G. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Architettura d’autore del secondo Novecento. Il diritto alla tutela, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2019.
Bartolozzi, Patrimonio architettonico religioso. Nuove funzioni e processi di trasformazione, Roma: Gangemi, 2016.

Silvia Beltramo
DIST Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Architectural historian, D.E.A. and PhD in Architectural History at the Politecnico di Torino. Since 2007 she has taught the courses of History of Architecture and Urban history (Modern and Medieval), Urban and Landscape Heritage. She is the director and scientific coordinator of the projects La chiesa di San Giovanni e la cappella dei marchesi di Saluzzo: materiali, tecniche e geometrie di un cantiere medievale (2010-2014), Cistercian Cultural Heritage: knowledge and enhancement in a European framework (CCH), Politecnico di Torino (DIST) (from 2019) and Medieval city. City of the friars (with Gianmario Guidarelli; She is an independent expert for the Council of Europe of European Cultural Routes from 2012. Member of the Scientific Committee ICOMOS (Italy) CIVVIH on historical urban cities (from 2020) and ICOMOS (Italy) on Cultural Routes (from 2021). Her research focuses on the architectural and construction history of the architecture and the city in medieval and early modern with special emphasis on XIIth and XVth Italian history. She is also interested in studies related to historical building techniques and building site. She authored more than 130 publications on urban and architectural history of medieval architecture in Piedmont and Italy, including almost ten books (2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2020, 2022).
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; Medieval and Early Modern (12th-15th century) architecture; historical building techniques and building site; historic cities.
Beltramo, ‘I cantieri architettonici delle cattedrali del nord ovest dell’Italia alla fine del Quattrocento: il processo di trasformazione del Medioevo’, pp. 165-178, in I. Chave, E. Faisant, D. Sandron (Eds), Le chantier cathédral en Europe. Diffusion et sauvegarde des savoirs, savoir-faire et matériaux du Moyen Age à nos jours, Paris-New York: Le Passage Editions, 2020.
Beltramo, ‘Cistercensi foglianti e le abbazie medievali: interventi architettonici a Staffarda e Novalesa’, pp. 105-130, in G. Armando, S. Beltramo, P. Cozzo, C. Cuneo (Eds), I Cistercenti Foglianti in Piemonte tra corte e chiostro (XVI-XIX secolo), Roma: Viella, 2020.
Beltramo, ‘I sistemi costruttivi nell’architettura medievale: John Ruskin e le coperture a volta’, Restauro Archeologico, special issue Memories on John Ruskin. Unto this last, 2019, pp. 290-298.
Beltramo, ‘Rib valuts in 12th century religious architecture in the North-West of Italy’, Hortus Artium Medievalium, vol. 24, 2018, pp. 345-355.
Beltramo, ‘Perineto Zocchelli and Aneclino Sambla, stone masons between the South of France and the Marquisate of Saluzzo (Italy) at the end of the 15th century’, pp. 163-176, in B. Alfonso Ruiz, J.C. Rodriguez Estévez (Eds), 1514 Arquitectos Tardogoticos en la Encrucijada, Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2016.
Beltramo, ‘Medieval Vestiges in the Princely Architecture of the 15th Century’, pp. 28-52, in S. Beltramo, M. Folin, F. Cantatore (Eds), A Renaissance Architecture of Power. Princely Palaces in the Italian Quattrocento, Leiden: Brill, 2015.
Beltramo, ‘Tecniche costruttive materiali e murature nel territorio di Fenis (Valle d’Aosta)’, Archeologia dell’Architettura, vol. 13, 2009, pp. 77-95.
Beltramo, Stratigrafia dell’architettura e ricerca storica, Roma: Carocci, 2009.

Clara Bertolini Cestari
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Clara Bertolini is full professor of Architectural Technology at Politecnico di Torino (Department of Architecture and Design). She is a Member of the PhD course in “Technological innovation for built heritage”. Clara is Tutor of the PhD research on “Nanotechnologies / nanosciences: from wood improvement to the reinforcement of timber and monitoring of interventions”. She teaches the II° level Master classes in “Conservation, Management and Valorisation of Industrial Heritage”. She has been Italian Co-ordinator of the international post-graduate Master course “URBANWOOD”. For this international MSc Program, students share their time between the three participating universities in Dresden, Turin and Vienna. In particular Module 2 on “Restoration and Refurbishment of Wood-based Buildings” is co-ordinated by Prof. Clara Bertolini Cestari. She is responsible of the Erasmus Exchange Programme for the Faculty of Architetcture of Politecnico di Torino; Member of RILEM, Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires d’Essais et de Recherches sur les Matériaux et les Constructions, of the Commission RILEM – TC 149-HTS: Diagnosis and repair of Historic load-bearing Timber Structures. Nominated by MIUR (Italian Ministry for University and Research) MC Member of EU COST Action FP1101 “Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures” (2010-2013 ). She is a member of UNI SC10 Commission “Recommendations for structural restoration of civil works and architectural heritage” and Member designed by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage of UNI-NORMAL GL20 “Legno e derivati” (Wood and its derivates) Commission. She has coordinated several research activities, among the main researches:
-Research contract between Politecnico di Torino and Soprintendenza per i Beni architettonici, per il paesaggio e per il patrimonio artistico e Demoetnologico di Venezia e Laguna on “Survey of the wood of the foundations of the bell-tower of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari Basilica in Venice”
-Research contract between Politecnico di Torino and Soprintendenza per i Beni architettonici, per il paesaggio e per il patrimonio artistico e Demoetnologico di Venezia e Laguna on “Survey of the wood of the foundations of the bell-tower of of the Church of Santo Stefano in Venice”.
Bertolini, S. Invernizzi, T. Marzi, O. Pignatelli, A. Sartori, A. Crivellaro, ‘Diagnostics and assessment for the conservation of the historic timber structures of San Fermo Maggiore church in Verona’, pp. 559-568, in J.M. Branco (Eds), International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, SHATiS’2019, Portugal: Guimaraes, 2019.
Accornero, C. Bertolini, S. Invernizzi, T. Marzi, M. Rossino, A. Spanò, ‘Retrofitting and Conservation of the Timbert Choir Loft of the Sanctuary Beata Vergine Maria del Monte Carmelo in Colletto, Pinerolo, Italy’, Transsylvania Nostra, 2019, pp. 53-60.
Bertolini, T. Marzi, R. Maspoli, ‘IAM Mountain Architecture Institute: a research centre of Politecnico di Torino between teaching and dissemination’, in World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE, Austria: Vienna, 2016.
Bertolini, T. Marzi, ‘Next-generation footbridges. Ponti coperti in legno nelle alpi svizzere. Dai nuovi paradigmi ai precursori’, Archalp, 2015, pp. 45-48.
Bertolini, Il contributo di Giordano al Politecnico di Torino: aspetti e attualità, in Fondaazione Guglielmo Giordano (Ed.), Guglielmo Giordano. Scienza e arte del legno, Perugia: Italgraf, 2014, pp. 81-108.

Enrica Bodrato
DIST Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Enrica Bodrato is an archivist with a master degree in Architecture. Since 1998 she is responsible for the archives held by the History and Cultural Heritage Laboratory – LSBC at Politecnico di Torino and since 2016 she also manages the archives at the Central Library of Architecture “Roberto Gabetti”. She has been a member of numerous historical research teams and she has published several papers about the archival funds she manages.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: archival science; construction history; Early Modern architecture; Contemporary architecture; Polytechnic history
Bodrato, ‘Searching for women’s architectural archives: the Italian case study’, pp. 89-93, in E. Garda, C. Franchini (Eds), Women’s Creativity since the Modern Movement: an European Cultural Heritage, Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2018.
Bodrato, ‘L’archivio Mollino al Politecnico di Torino’, pp. 18-20, in F. Zanot (Ed.), Carlo Mollino. Photographs 1934-1973, Cinisello Balsamo: Silvana Editoriale, 2018.
Bodrato; A. Perin, ‘Strada ferrata e militari: alcune stazioni sulla linea Torino-Genova’, pp. 353-361, in C. Devoti (Ed.), Gli spazi dei militari e l’urbanistica della città. L’Italia del Nord-Ovest (1815-1918), Acquapendente: Edizioni Kappa, 2018.
Bodrato, ‘Un documento per il mercato Giuseppe Pavia dagli archivi del Politecnico di Torino’, Monferrato Arte e Storia, Associazione Arte Storia, vol. 29, 2017, pp. 107-112.
Bodrato; A. Perin; C. Roggero, Mestieri d’arte e architettura: l’archivio Musso Clemente 1886-1974, Torino: Centro Studi piemontesi, 2011.

Valentina Burgassi (CHG Coordinator)
Assistant Professor (Coordinator)
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino –
École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne)
Valentina Burgassi arch. Ph.D. is Assistant Professor (Rtd-A) in History of Architecture (ICAR18) at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design (Construction History Research Centre CHG). She is also a post-doctoral research fellow at École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne) in Histoire de l’Art de la Renaissance.
Valentina holds a joint PhD in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at Politecnico di Torino and in Histoire de l’Art at École Pratiques des Hautes Études (PSL). She has a Post Master Degree Specialisation in Cultural Heritage and Landscape (2012, Politecnico di Torino), a MSc in Architecture (Politecnico di Torino), and a BSc in Structural Engineer – Architecture (Politecnico di Torino). She has been fellow at Palladio Museum (2020) and at École Française de Rome (2018).
Valentina is a member of international research groups, as
– Construction History Group (Politecnico di Torino, DAD)
– Histara EA7347 (Histoire de l’art, des représentations et de l’ administration dans l’Europe moderne et contemporaine, École Pratique des Hautes Études)
– GIS Patrimoines militaires P2ATS (École Pratique des Hautes Études)
Valentina’s main research lies in Early Modern architecture (Order of Saint John of Jerusalem and Mediterranean Studies), Renaissance studies and construction history and building techniques.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; Early Modern architecture; Order of Saint John of Jerusalem; architectural treatises; Mediterranean studies
V. Burgassi, Floor construction techniques at the Savoy court in the 17th and 18th centuries with a focus on craftsmen and manufacture of wooden floors. In: “Tenth annual conference of the Construction History Society”, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, 12-13-14 April 2023, pp. 157-168.
V. Burgassi, The Inquisition Palace staircase in Birgu by Carapecchia (18th century): architecture and construction under the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. In: V. Burgassi, F. Novelli, A. Spila (Eds) “Scale e risalite nella Storia della Costruzione in età Moderna e Contemporanea”, Torino, Politecnico di Torino, pp. 301-318.
V. Burgassi, Il Rinascimento a Malta. Architettura e potere nell’Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme. Firenze, Olschki, P. 420.
V. Burgassi, M. Volpiano, Building the ephemeral in Turin, capital of the Savoyard states. In: J. Mascarenhas-Mateus (Eds) “History of Construction Cultures, Volume I. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Construction History”, New York, Leiden: Taylor & Francis Group, 2021, , pp. 457-462.
PERSONAL PAGE ON: and EA7347histara

Gentucca Canella
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Gentucca Canella, architect, is Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design at Politecnico di Torino. After her degree she conducted teaching and research activity at the Scuola di Architettura Civile of the Politecnico di Milano and in 2003 she obtained the Ph.D. at La Sapienza University in Rome. She has participated in national and international architectural design competitions achieving some prizes and awards, continuously teaching in architectural design workshops of the three-year and master’s degrees. She was invited as a speaker to numerous national conferences and seminars. She organized and curated national and international conferences and exhibitions on 20th century masters of architecture and on the protection, enhancement and reuse of the Italian architectural heritage of the second half of the 20th century.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Architectural Design; Architectural Heritage; Italian Architecture of the second half of the 20th century; Adaptive Reuse; Landscape
Ge. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Giorgio Raineri 1927-2012, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2020.
Ge. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Il diritto alla tutela. Architettura d’autore del secondo Novecento, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2019.
Ge. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Roberto Gabetti 1925-2000, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2017.
Ge. Canella, C. Coscia, P. Mellano, ‘Idee per la riqualificazione delle aree militari’, pp. 1-110, in D. R. Fiorino (Ed.), Military Landscapes. Scenari per il futuro del patrimonio militare. A future for military heritagte, Atti del convegno internazionale: Milano, Skira, 2017.
Ge. Canella, ‘Architettura, tradizione insediativa e pianificazione energetica in nord Africa e in Africa orientale, Territorio, no. 81, 2017, pp. 54-58.
Ge. Canella, Verso un altro Mediterraneo. Architettura come strategia per il Sud del mondo, Milano: Nexo, 2016.

Rosario Ceravolo
Politecnico di Torino, Dept. of Structural, Geotechnical and Civil Engineering
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: MSc in Civil Engineering and PhD in Structural Engineering both from the Politecnico di Torino, where he is currently head of the Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab, deputy director of the Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C), and member of the PhD board in Architectural Heritage. Visiting at the Ecole des Ponts (2001), Université Paris-Est (2009) and Columbia University (2017-18). Author of 250 research papers, 80 of which in international journals, on Earthquake Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring, Architectural Heritage, and Reduction of Seismic Risk. Member of ISCARSAH-ICOMOS, IASS, IASS-WG17, ISHMII. Active role in international and national projects, such as FP7 IRIS, SERIES, RETRO’, UNPLUGGED, FABRIC, MSC-ITN XP-RESILIENCE, E+ERAMCA, E+REcube, DPC-ReLUIS, FABRE. He is in charge of the monitoring programs for important structures, including the Sanctuary of Vicoforte, with its largest oval masonry dome in the world, and Turin Exhibition Center, for which his team was awarded a Keeping It Modern grant by the Getty Foundation of Los Angeles.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Earthquake Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring, Architectural Heritage, Reduction of Seismic Risk, 20th Century Architecture Preservation
S. Coccimiglio, G. Coletta, E. Lenticchia, G. Miraglia, R. Ceravolo, ‘Combining Satellite Geophysical Data with Continuous On‑site Measurements for Monitoring the Dynamic Parameters of Civil Structures’, Scientific Reports, vol.12, no.1, 2022, 2275.
E. Lenticchia, G. Miraglia, A. Quattrone, R. Ceravolo, Condition Assessment of an Early Thin Reinforced Concrete Vaulted System, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2021,
Ceravolo, G. Coletta, G. Miraglia, F. Palma, Statistical Correlation between Environmental Time Series and Data from Long-term Monitoring of Buildings, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152, 2021, 107460.
R. Ceravolo, G. De Lucia, G. Miraglia, M.L. Pecorelli, Thermoelastic Finite Element Model Updating with Application to Monumental Buildings, Comput. Civ. Infrastruct. Eng., 35, 2020, pp. 628–642.
R. Ceravolo, G. Pistone, L. Zanotti Fragonara, G. Abbiati, Vibration-based Monitoring and Diagnosis of Cultural Heritage: a Methodological Discussion in three Examples, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol.10, no.4, 2016, pp. 375–395.

Michela Comba
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Michela Comba teaches History of Contemporary Architecture (Politecnico di Torino). She has been Aggregate Professor at the Politecnico since 2004. She has taught seminars in Building History of the Exhibition Turin Palace (2008-2011); Costructive History of Architecture from drawing to the construction site (PhD in History of the Architecture, 2007-2010). Michela Comba is scientific manager, on behalf of Politecnico di Torino for the development of the ex Fiat Engineering Archive project (Maire Tecnimont SPA, Milano-Roma) since 2011. In the field of CH she participated in the projects on Structural Conception. Architecture and Engineering in the Fifties and Sixties (PRIN 2008, Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, IUAV di Venezia, Università di Udine, Università degli Studi Roma Tre). She was involved in Pier Luigi Nervi: Architecture as Challenge (2010-11), travelling exhibition sponsored by the Pier Luigi Nervi Association, MAXXI of Rome and CIVA of Bruxelles. Michela Comba partecipated in the project History of Building Industry and Profession of the Architect (Politecnico di Torino-Regione Piemonte, 2009-2010).
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: engineering; structure; social study science and technology; mobility and transportation
Comba (Ed.), I progetti di Fiat Engineering 1931-1979, Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2018.
Comba (Ed.), I progetti di Fiat Engineering 1980-2008, Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2018.
Comba, ‘Il vocabolario strutturale di Carlo Mollino tra gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta’, pp. 75-85, in P. Desideri, A. Demagistris, M. Pogacnik, C. Olmo (Eds) La concezione strutturale. Ingegneria e architettura in Italia tra gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, Torino: Allemandi, 2013.
Comba, ‘Arup Calling: Engineering gets to Paris. Centro Pompidou (1971-1977)’, pp. 1993-2000, in P. J. Sousa Cruz (Ed.), Strucures and Architecture: New Concepts and Challenges, London: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2013.
Comba, A. Astolfi, L. Bruno, C. Olmo, ‘Il fantasma del Regio’, pp.177-213, in S. Pace (Ed.) Carlo Mollino architetto, Milano: Electa 2006.

Annalisa Dameri
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Annalisa Dameri PhD is associate professor in History of Architecture in the Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino. In 2018 she became vice-coordinator of the PhD course in Architectural and Landscape Heritage and she is the Architecture Director for restoration work at Castello del Valentino, a residence of the Royal House of Savoy (Unesco World Heritage Site). After her first degree in Architecture from Politecnico di Torino she specialized in History, Analysis and Assessment of Architectural Heritage at the Postgraduate school there, going on to complete a PhD in History and Critical Analysis of Architectural Heritage in the same institution. Annalisa teaches History of the City and Architecture in the 19th century on the Master of Science in Architecture Heritage Preservation and Enhancement. From 2012 to 2018 she was Director of the Master of Science in Architecture Heritage Preservation and Enhancement. Since her PhD she has been involved in Italian and international research programs which involve many research units, requiring a high level of collaboration among scholars. These include a number of PRIN projects – interuniversity research programmes of national interest in Italy (Programmi di ricerca di interesse nazionale) and international projects such as The Culture of the City (2017-8), an exchange of visiting professors and students in collaboration with the Universidad Javeriana, Bogotà and Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotà. The innovative research skills developed through these partnerships have influenced the methods she uses to study, valorise and restore historic architecture. In 2012 she was awarded the Lerici Foundation Prize for her research project Paper Cities, published the following year in her book Città di Carta. Disegni dal Krigsarkivet di Stoccolma.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; 19th century architecture; Alessandro Antonelli; architecture of eclecticism
Dameri, F. Stella, ‘Torino 1898-Parigi 1900. Carlo Ceppi, Costantino Gilodi e Giacomo Salvadori tra tradizione e innovazione’, MDCCC 1800, vol. 6, 2017, pp. 97-105.
Dameri, ‘Il positivismo e il cantiere di architettura: tecmniche costruttive e materiali’, p. 74, in E. Dellapiana, G. Montanari (Eds), Una storia dell’architettura contemporanea, UTET: Novara, 2015.
Dameri, ‘Il cemento armato e lo stile nuovo. Ecco lo stile nuovo come nasce! Non da arzigogoli senza senso; ma da razionali innovazioni’, pp. 207-240, in L. Mozzoni, S. Santini (Eds) Architettura dell’eclessismo. Studi storici, rilievo e restauro, teoria e prassi dell’architettura. Atti di convegno. Napoli: Liguori, 2007.
Dameri, ‘L’essenzialità della struttura’, pp. III-V, in F. Stella (Ed.), I magazzini del sale di Tortona, Politecnico di Torino: Torino, 2009.
Dameri, Tradizione e sperimentazione. Costruire nel Piemonte del XIX secolo, Spagna: Publidisa, 2009.
Dameri, Per una storia delle tecniche architettoniche e costruttive in Piemonte tra Otto e Novecento, Spagna: Publidisa, 2009.
Dameri, ‘Il cantiere antonelliano e il cantiere nel Piemonte del XIX secolo’, pp. 112-117, in G. Dardanello, R. Tamborrino (Eds) Guarini, Juvarra e Antonelli. Segni e simboli per Torino. Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 2008.
Dameri, ‘Il cantiere di casa Priotti a Torino. Carlo Ceppi (1900-1908)’, pp. 631-640, in G. Mochi (Ed.) Teoria e Pratica del costruire: saperi, strumenti, modelli. Esperienze didattiche e di ricerca a confronto. Theory and practice of construction: knowkedge, means, models. Didactic and research experiences. Ravenna: Moderna, 2005.

Giulia De Lucia
DIST Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning
R3C Responsible Risk Resilience Centre
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Giulia De Lucia is a post-doctoral research fellow at Politecnico di Torino, with a project on the contribution of the history of architecture and construction in the structural and risk analysis of cultural heritage, in particular masonry churches and religious buildings. She obtained her PhD in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at Politecnico di Torino with a thesis in structural and seismic engineering, focused on a relevant Early Modern church, the sancturay at Vicoforte, with the world’s largest oval dome. She conducts her research at the Centre R3C of Politecnico di Torino, focusing on the analysis and protection of historical domes and the risk reduction for the historical ecclesiastical heritage. She is teaching assistant in architectural courses at Politecnico di Torino since 2016.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; Masonry domes; Modern architecture; ecclesiastical heritage
De Lucia, E. Lenticchia, R. Ceravolo, ‘La geometria della cupola della Ss. Trinità: dal dato metrico alle valutazioni strutturali’, pp. 117-142, in M. Ruffino (Ed), Una chiesa per il Ducato. La Ss. Trinità di Torino, Torino: Clut, 2020.
De Lucia, ‘Cupole “barocche”: cultura tecnica e cultura artistica alla luce di una storiografia interdisciplinare’ p. 86, in Summer School Proceedings “Ripensare il Barocco (sec. XVII-XVIII). Nuove prospettive storico-critiche, Torino: Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, 2019.
Ceravolo, G. De Lucia, E. Lenticchia, ‘Il terremoto del 1117, fra le esperienze documentate dalle fonti e le interpretazioni meccaniche’, pp. 125-142, in A. Calzona, G. M. Cantarella e G. Milanesi (Eds), Terremoto in Val Padana, Verona: Scripta, 2018.
Cozzo, G. De Lucia, A. Longhi, ‘Un prodigio “sfortunato”? Valori e ambizioni di un luogo “miracolato”: il Santuario di Vicoforte (Mondovì)’, pp. 63-70, in O. Niglio, C. Visentin (Eds), Conoscere, conservare e valorizzare il patrimonio religioso culturale. 2. Arte, architettura, paesaggio, Canterano: Aracne Editrice, 2017.

Vilma Fasoli
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Full professor of History of Architecture, Ph.D., V. Fasoli taught History of Architecture and Urban History at the Università degli Studi di Trieste – Faculty of Architecture from 2000 to 2008, and at the Politecnico di Torino since 2008. Faculty member of the Postgraduate School of “Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio” and of the Postgraduate School in “History, Analysis and Evaluation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage” at the Politecnico di Torino from 1998 to 2014. Now V. Fasoli is a faculty member of the Ph.D. program in “Preservation of the Architectural Heritage” at the Politecnico di Milano. Since 2010, she focuses her academic research on construction in contemporary history, vocational education, knowledge transfer of skills and capabilities centered on reinforced concrete (Hennebique patent) and on steel structures (relationship between Eiffel patent and Società Nazionale Officine Savigliano/SNOS) within Italian construction sites outside Europe. From 2010 to 2012, she took part in the Transnational cooperation project “Arching. Archives d’Ingénierie européenne” carried out as part of the European Commission Culture Programme 2007-2013 coordinated by CNRS-INHA (France). From 2010 to 2014, she was the Italian member of Management Committee for the COST project (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action IS0904 (Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health (ISCH) on the topic Architecture Beyond – European architecture beyond Europe: Sharing Research and Knowledge on Dissemination Processes, Historical Data and Material Legacy (19th-20th centuries), coordinated by Mercedes Volait (INHA, Paris).
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; History of contemporary architecture; vocational education; knowledge transfer of skills and capabilities; Italian grants of Hennebique patent; SNOS
Fasoli, ‘Ingénieurs et entrepreneurs italiens en Libye et en Chine (1912-1939)’, pp. 837-847, in F. Fleury, L. Baridon, A. Mastrorilli, R. Mouterde, N. Reveryon (Eds), Les temps de la construction. Processus, acteurs, matériaux, Proceedings of the second Congress of histoire de la construction, Picard: Paris, 2016.
Fasoli, F. B. Filippi, ‘The penetration of Italian professionals in the context of Siamese modernization’, ABE Journal, no. 5, 2014, pp. 1-28.
Fasoli, ‘Le fonds d’archives de l’entreprise Porcheddu (Turin)’, p. 198, in E. Godoli, C. Piaton, D. Peyceré (Eds), Construire au-delà de la Méditerranée: l’apport des archives d’entreprises européennes, 1860-1970, Arles: Honoré Clair, 2012.
Fasoli, ‘L’entreprise Porcheddu et les projets de réservoirs d’eau en béton armé: modèles constructifs et expériences de chantier(1912-1933)’, pp. 74-81, in E. Godoli, C. Piaton, D. Peyceré (Eds), Construire au-delà de la Méditerranée: l’apport des archives d’entreprises européennes,1860-1970, Arles: Honoré Clair, 2012.
Fasoli, ‘Les archives de la Société nationale des ateliers Savigliano (Società nazionale officine Savigliano (SNOS), Turin’ p. 195, in E. Godoli, C. Piaton, D. Peyceré (Eds), Construire au-delà de la Méditerranée: l’apport des archives d’entreprises européennes, 1860-1970, Arles, Honoré Clair, Arles 2012.
Fasoli, ‘La Société des ateliers Savigliano autour de la Méditerranée’, pp. 28-31, in E. Godoli, C. Piaton, D. Peyceré (Eds), Construire au-delà de la Méditerranée: l’apport des archives d’entreprises européennes, 1860-1970, Arles, Honoré Clair, 2012.
Fasoli, ‘Education and professional experiences of Italians engineers and architects in Istria and Dalmatia in The Presence of Italian Architects in Mediterranean Countries’, pp. 232-242, Proceedings of the First International Conference 2007, Firenze: Maschietto, 2008.

Maurizio Gomez Serito
DIST Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Master’s degree: Mining Engineering, Politecnico di Torino (1992). Ph.D. in Environmental Geoengineering at the Politecnico di Torino (1997), title of the thesis: ‘Riconoscimento, caratterizzazione e schedatura dei marmi colorati usati nella decorazione a Torino e nel Piemonte meridionale dalla fine del XVI secolo alla scomparsa di Filippo Juvarra’. 2004 – 2012 Aggregate professor at the second Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Torino. Since 2001 he has been teaching ‘Preservation of materials in historical construction’, ‘Degradation of materials’ at the School of Specialisation in Architectural and Landscape Heritage (Politecnico di Torino). Tutor or cotutor for more than 70 master degree dissertations, PhD and Specialisation these. In the 80s-90s, professional and research photographer.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: historical natural stone; polychrome marbles; construction materials history; archeology and architecture
M.V. Cattaneo, C. Devoti, F.P. Di Teodoro, E. Gianasso, M. Gomez Serito, M. Santangelo (Eds), Leonardo. Tecnica e Territorio, open source, 2019, pp. 1-193.
Gomez, ‘La certosa di Casotto. Una storia di cantieri e materiali d’eccezione’, pp. 87-92, in E. Lusso (Ed.), Paesaggi, territori e insediamenti della val Tanaro Un itinerario tra storia e valorizzazione, La Morra: Scripta, 2019.
Gomez, L. Finco, ‘La facciata lapidea della chiesa della Madonna di Loreto ad Arona. Materiali e fasi costruttive’, pp. 219-227, in S. Monferrini, I. Teruggi (Eds), La chiesa di Santa Maria di Loreto e la confraternita di Santa Maria di Arona dai Borromeo a oggi: storia, restauro e valorizzazione. Proceedings of the conference (Arona 2017), Novara: Interlinea, 2018.
Gomez, E. Rulli, ‘I materiali lapidei della Domus dei Putti danzanti: marmi bianchi e colorati’, pp. 309-316, in J. Bonetto, M. Salvadori (Eds), L’architettura privata ad Aquileia in età romana. Proceedings of the conference (Padova 2011), Padova: Padova University Press, 2012.
Gomez, V. Badino, ‘I marmi del Monregalese. I marmi policromi negli altari alla romana delle Valli Monregalesi’, pp. 399-417, in G. Galante Garrone, A. Griseri, S Lombardini, L. Mamino, A. Torre (Eds), I marmi del Monregalese. I marmi policromi negli altari alla romana delle Valli Monregalesi, Savigliano: L’Artistica, 1999.

Erica Lenticchia
Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Erica Lenticchia is Assistant Professor (Rtd-A) in Structural Engineering within the Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics Lab of Politecnico di Torino. In 2017, she received her PhD in Structural Engineering in the Architectural and Landscape Heritage course with a thesis on structural monitoring of complex heritage buildings, and she was a visiting researcher at Columbia University, New York, Dep. Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. She is currently member of the Responsible, Risk, Resilience Centre of the Politecnico di Torino and cooperates with the Italian Seismic Network of Earthquake Engineering University Laboratories (ReLUIS). She is part of the team that in 2019 was awarded a Keeping It Modern grant by The Getty Foundation for the structural analysis and preservation of the halls built by Pier Luigi Nervi in Torino Esposizioni, where she coordinates the research unit on Historical Analysis and Conservation Recommendations and is a member of the unit on Structural Health Monitoring and Seismic assessment of the building.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Structural diagnosis for preservation; Structural Health Monitoring; 20th Century Architecture Preservation; Structural analyses; Reduction of Seismic Risk}
Combining satellite geophysical data with continuous on-site measurements for monitoring the dynamic parameters of civil structures / Coccimiglio, Stefania; Coletta, Giorgia; Lenticchia, Erica; Miraglia, Gaetano; Ceravolo, Rosario. – In: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. – ISSN 2045-2322. – ELETTRONICO. – 12:1(2022). [10.1038/s41598-022-06284-7]
E. Lenticchia, G. Miraglia, A. Quattrone, R. Ceravolo, Condition Assessment of an Early Thin Reinforced Concrete Vaulted System, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2021,
Boni, C.; Ferretti, D.; Lenticchia, E. (2021) Effects of Brick Pattern on the Static Behavior of Masonry Vaults. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE, pp. 1-21. ISSN 1558-3058
Seismic Structural Health Monitoring of Cultural Heritage Structures / Ceravolo, Rosario; de Lucia, Giulia; Lenticchia, Erica; Miraglia, Gaetano (SPRINGER TRACTS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING). – In: Seismic Structural Health Monitoring. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. / Limongelli M., Çelebi M. (eds). Springer, cham, 2019. – ISBN 978-3-030-13975-9. – pp. 51-85 [10.1007/978-3-030-13976-6_3]
Sensor placement strategies for the seismic monitoring of complex vaulted structures of the modern architectural heritage / Lenticchia, Erica; Ceravolo, Rosario; Antonaci, Paola. – In: SHOCK AND VIBRATION. – ISSN 1070-9622. – STAMPA. – 2018:Article ID 3739690(2018). [10.1155/2018/3739690]
Analysis of damage mechanisms suffered by Italian fortified buildings hit by earthquakes in the last 40 years / Coisson, Eva; Ferretti, Daniele; Lenticchia, Erica. – In: BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING. – ISSN 1570-761X. – (2017). [10.1007/s10518-017-0172-0]

Tanja Marzi
‘Architect, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Architectural Technology
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Tanja Marzi, architect, received her PhD in Innovation technology for the built environment from the Politecnico di Torino, where she currently carries out research and teaching activities at the Department of Architecture and Design. She is actively involved in several national and international research projects on the subject of conservation and rehabilitation of architectural heritage, of timber structures and of Modern Architecture. She has been working in the coordination team of the 3-year EU-Project-Culture2000 Wooden Handwork/Wooden Carpentry: European Restoration Sites. She has been member of international research groups for the diagnosis/assessment of the state of conservation of historical timber roof structures in view of their restoration. She has been national Member of EU-COST-Action-FP1101 on In-situ assessment of timber structures” and of EU-COST-Action-TU1207 on ‘Next Generation Design Guidelines for Composites in Construction’. She is member of and She is member of the ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Wood.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Historic Timber Structures; Architectural Technology; Diagnosis and non-Destructive Testing; 20th Century Architectural Heritage; Innovation Technology
Bertolini Cestari, T. Marzi, ‘Conservation of historic timber roof structures of Italian architectural heritage: diagnosis, assessment, and intervention’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Vol. 12, n. 4, 2018, pp. 632-665.
Bertolini Cestari, G. Brino, L. Cestari, A. Crivellaro, T. Marzi, O. Pignatelli, S. Rolla, A. Violante, ‘The Great Timber Roof of Porta Nuova Railway Station in Turin: The Role of Assessment and Diagnosis for Sustainable Repair and Conservation’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Vol. 13, n. 1, 2018, pp. 172-191.
Bertolini Cestari, A. Spanò, S. Invernizzi, T. Marzi, ‘Retrofitting Assessment and Numerical Models for the Historical Timber Roof Structures of the Towers of Valentino Castle in Turin’, pp. 321-333, in H. Cruz, J. Saporiti Machado, A. Campos Costa, P. Xavier Candeias, N. Ruggieri, J. Manuel Catarino (Eds), Historical Earthquake-Resistant Timber Framing in the Mediterranean Area, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Marzi, ‘Nanostructured materials for protection and reinforcement of timber structures: A review and future challenges’, Construction and Building Materials, Special Issue ‘Reinforcement of Timber’, Vol. 97, 2015, pp. 119-130.
Bertolini Cestari, T. Marzi, E. Seip, P. Touliatos (Eds), Interaction between Science, Technology and Architecture in Timber Construction, Paris: Elsevier, 2004.
Savio Lorenzo, T. Marzi, D. Bosia, V. Bombelli, ‘Collaboration between Architects and Companies in the development of a Modern Architecture Lexicon: Bombelli’s Technological Systems’, pp. 899-922, in C. Bartolomei, A. Ippolito, S.H. Tanoue Vizioli (Eds.), Digital Modernism Heritage Lexicon, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

Rossella Maspoli
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: PhD doctor, since 1999 researcher of Technology of Architecture, since 2016 Associate Professor of the Politecnico di Torino. Member of PhD course and Master’s Degree at Politecnico, University of Pescara, University of Padua; Scientific Coordinator and teacher of Workshop on heritage knowledge, urban post-industrial regeneration and public art at Accademia Albertina Torino, Iuav Venezia, Universidade de Brasilia (2018), TaiYuan University of Technology (2019) and Living Lab via Sacchi Torino (2017-21). Member of TICCIH, board member of AIPAI, head for the Politecnico in Torino UNESCO Creative City, scientific coordinator of TorinoAutomotive Heritage Network THAN, Italian Coordinator of THERMAPOLIS Public baths, ANR France. She carries out research, in the CH field, on the historical industrial heritage; the automotive heritage in Europe; the innovation of concrete and the ‘Hennebique System’; the evolution of the public baths; the modern architecture of industrial and service development and the Olivetti imprinting of the Canavese territory. She has edited over 150 publications.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; industrial architecture: modern architecture: concrete types; public bath architectures
Maspoli, ‘The innovation of reinforced concrete in the textile and mechanical factories of the early 1900s in the North-West. Business, models, patents and critical issues of recovery’, Patrimonio Industriale, no. 23, 2021 (in press).
Maspoli, Evolution, role and potential of public baths in the postfordist western city, pp. 205-222, in A. Dib (Ed.), Public baths in the world. Between tradition and contemporaneity, Roma, Aracne, 2021.
Maspoli, ‘Conservation, enhancement and tourism of the architectural heritage of the car industry. From the Turin case to the international “mo-town”’, Patrimonio Industriale, no. 19-20, 2018, pp. 11-31.
Maspoli, ‘The evaluation of the technological and functional appropriateness, regarding to the intervention in the former military and service urban heritage’, Techne, no. 12, 2016, pp. 59-65.
Maspoli, A. Spaziante (Eds), Fabbriche, borghi e memorie. Processi di dismissione e riuso post-industriale a Torino Nord, Firenze: Alinea, 2012.

Manuela Mattone
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Manuela Mattone, PhD, is associate professor of Architectural Restoration at the Politecnico di Torino, Coordinator of the Master Degree’s Programme “Architecture for Heritage” and member of the PhD board in Architectural Heritage/Patrimonio architettonicoi at the same University. She is teaching “Restoration Methodology” and “Atelier Architecture and Restoration” and she is scientific coordinator of conventions with public bodies and institutes for the development of research into the preservation and enhancement of the architectural heritage. She was visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina) (2009) and visiting professor at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) (2018).
Her studies and research works are focused on themes concerning conservation and restoration of the cultural heritage. The following topics are object of specific studies: the wooden structures and in particular the evaluation of their state of conservation, or the analysis of their constructive techniques and the technologies adopted to consolidate them; the earthen architecture, with reference to its knowledge and conservation; the iron architecture, as far as it concerns the study of its construction techniques; the reinforced concrete civil and industrial architecture of the end of 1800’s and the beginning of the 1900’s; preservation of modern and contemporary architecture.
She is member of Red Iberoamericana Proterra, red de Arquitectura y Construcción con Tierra.
She is member of the scientific committee of the editorial collection “Cultural Heritage”, WriteUp publisher and of the following reviews:
– “H1A”, Revista de la Cátedra de Historia de la Arquitectura 1A, FAUD-UNC, Argentina;
– “NHAC” Horizontes de Arquitectura, Mexico;
– “Labor & Engenio”, Brazil.
She has participated as a speaker at numerous international conferences related to the topics object of specific studies.
M. Mattone, La difficile conservazione del moderno: la funicolare e la monorotaia di “Italia ’61”, in D. Esposito, V. Montanari, Realtà dell’architettura fra materia e immagine. Per Giovanni Carbonara: studi e ricerche, vol. II, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2021, pp. 145-150.
M. Mattone, F. Fratini, S. Rescic, L. Rovero, Analysis of the earthen architectural heritage in Piedmont (northern Italy): typologies, construction techniques and materials, in “Gremium”, vol. 7, n. 14, 2020, pp. 41-52.
M. Mattone, Viollet-le-Duc e l’utilizzo del materiale metallico fra tradizione e innovazione, in E. Romeo (a cura di), Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. Contributi per una rilettura degli scritti e delle opere (1814-2014), WriteUp, Roma 2019, pp. 149-162.
M. Mattone, E. Vigliocco (eds), Patrimonio e Paesaggi Elettrici. Patrimonio y Paisajes Eléctricos, Cicees, Gijón 2017.
M. Mattone, E. Vigliocco (eds), Arquitecturas para el cine: conocimiento y valoracion. Architetture per il cinema: conoscenza e valorizzazione, Cicees, Gijón (Spagna) 2016.
M. Mattone, Innovazione e tradizione nel consolidamento delle strutture lignee, in A. Aveta, M. Di Stefano (a cura di), Roberto Di Stefano. Filosofia della conservazione e prassi del restauro, Arte Tipografica Editrice, Napoli 2013, pp. 369-372.
M. Mattone, Wooden Boards Arches Roofs in Late Nineteenth-Century Industrial Architecture: Conservation Problems, “Advanced Materials Research”, v. 778, 2013, pp. 128-134
M. Mattone, E. Bignamini, Conservation of earthen constructions: Earth-gypsum plasters, C. Mileto, F. Vegas, V. Cristini (eds), Rammed Earth Conservation, first International Conference on Rammed Earth Conservation, Restapia 2012 (Valencia, Spain, 21-23 giugno 2012), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London 2012, pp. 687-692
M. Mattone, L. Amarilla, Architetture in ferro e calcestruzzo armato. Nuove tecnologie costruttive tra Ottocento e Novecento in Italia e in Argentina, Celid, Torino 2011.
M. Mattone, Le costruzioni in terra cruda: «letteratura architettonica» da conservare e valorizzare, in S. Casiello, A. Pane, V. Russo (a cura di), Roberto Pane tra storia e restauro. Architettura, città, paesaggio, Marsilio, Venezia 2010, pp. 283-286.
M. Mattone, Tecniche costruttive dell’architettura in terra cruda, in R. Mattone (a cura di), Il paesaggio delle case in terra cruda, 2010, pp. 53-60.
M. Mattone, Ferro e architettura. L’utilizzo del ferro e della ghisa in territorio piemontese, Celid, Torino 2000.

Paolo Mellano
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Paolo Mellano, architect, is full professor in Architectural and Urban Design at Politecnico di Torino. His principal fields of research focus on the areas of Urban design, Architectural and landscape design, Alpine architecture, Adaptive Reuse and Advanced Architecture. In his practice with fellow architect Flavio Bruna (Bruna & Mellano Architetti Associati) he has designed numerous successful projects and managed construction for private and public bodies, taking part in many competitions for architects, and obtaining awards and mentions (Palladio prize, 1997; Luigi Cosenza Award, 1994/96/98/2000; Accademia di San Luca Prize, 2003). They have received invitations to many Architecture Exhibitions and Congresses (i.e. Biennale di Venezia) and their works are published on the most important architectural magazines (Casabella, Abitare, Area, etc.). Paolo Mellano is author of some 220 scientific papers, monographs and academic studies.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Architectural Design; The Fifth Dimension of Architecture; Adaptive Reuse; Landscape; Architectural Heritage
Mellano et al., Torino 2030. A prova di futuro, Roma: Luca Sossella Editore, 2021.
Dameri, P. Mellano, Vicente Nasi. Un architetto italiano in Colombia, fra eclettismo e modernità, Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2020.
Ge. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Il diritto alla tutela. Architettura d’autore del secondo Novecento, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2019.
Mellano et al., The culture of the city. La cultura della città. La cultura de la ciudad, Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2018.
Ge. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Roberto Gabetti 1925-2000, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2017.

Enrico Moncalvo
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Enrico Moncalvo is Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the Politecnico di Torino (1998). From 1982 to 2010 he is author or collaborator of 37 projects, several of whichhave been published: in particular, in 1983 the new Paris Opera in place de la Bastille (competition, with Guido Drocco: mention and prize, project reviewedin 1985 in ‘Controspazio’ and in 1986 by Manfredo Tafuri in History of Italian architecture 1944-1985).
His research on Design culture of the 19th and 20th centuries between Turin and Europe begins with the cataloguing of the Mollino archive at the BCA (1985-1990), which opens significant points of interest towards the links of the late futurist Turin milieu with the culture of the Alps. The interest in the Turin architectural culture motivated the research on raisonnable architectures carried out between Turin and Milan by the design elites between1870 and 1930, with a significant line of investigation launched on the links, at national level, with the culture of Boito and, at European level, with German (Hübsch, Schinkelschule) French (De Baudot) architectural culture. Architectural culture and Alpine environment. Research converging on the picturesque taste in Alpine architecture between the 19th and 20th centuries – as an import of a cultured design model, starting from pre-romantic literary premises – and also carried out on territorial aspects linked to the re-evaluation of cultural or environmental specificities.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Architectural and Building diffusion; raisonnable architecture; picturesque alpine architecture; crafts and models for architecture
Moncalvo, ‘Roberto Gabetti, dal laboratorio della didattica’, pp. 280-290, in Ge. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Roberto Gabetti 1925-2000, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2017.
Moncalvo, ‘Baumeister. Architettura urbana tra cultura accademica e cultura politecnica. Riflessioni e linee possibili per una ricerca – Baumeister. Urban architecture between academic culture and polytechnic culture. Thoughts and possible research lines’, pp. 145-177, in M. Trisciuoglio (Eds), Architecture and places. Progetto culturale e memoria dei luoghi – Cultural design and sites memory, Torino: Celid, 2014.
Moncalvo, ‘Uno stile internazionale tra Otto e Novecento’, pp. 25-58, in A. De Rossi (Eds), Cultura Architettonica e Ambiente Alpino, Torino: Celid, 2011.
Moncalvo, ‘Da Torino a Karlsruhe. Tra Piemonte ed Europa, un probabile viaggio di Riccardo Brayda a Baden-Baden’, pp. 85-116, in B. Signorelli (Eds), Torino 1863-1963. Architettura, arte, urbanistica, Torino: SPABA, 2002.
Moncalvo, ‘Riccardo Brayda e dintorni: la cultura del Neoromanico, tra Torino e l’Europa, nella Seconda metà dell’Ottocento’, Atti e Rassegna Tecnica della Società degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino, I, 1996, pp. 56-65.
Moncalvo, ‘Note per una lettura di alcuni riferimenti della cultura di Carlo Mollino’, Bollettino della Società Piemontese di Archeologia e Belle Arti, XLII, 1988, pp. 341-373.
Moncalvo, ‘Interventi di Filippo Juvarra negli isolati di Sant’Ignazio e Santa Croce a Torino’, Bollettino della Società Piemontese di Archeologia e Belle Arti, XXXV-XXXVI-XXXVII, 1981-1983, pp. 83-103.

Sofia Nannini
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Sofia Nannini is Assistant Professor Rtd-A. She holds a Master’s degree in Building Engineering/Architecture from the University of Bologna, and currently she obtained a PhD in Architecture. History and Project at Politecnico di Torino. Her research interests focus on construction and material history, with special attention to the history of concrete in the Nordic countries. For her PhD dissertation, she analysed the role of concrete in Iceland between the 1850s and the 1950s. Side research projects include the study of building techniques adopted during the fascist regime in Italy, particularly in the works of Giuseppe Vaccaro, and in Postwar Italy, regarding the works of Pier Luigi Nervi.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: construction history; history of concrete; Iceland; twentieh-century Italian architecture; materials and politics
Nannini, ‘Icelandic Concrete Surfaces. Guðjón Samúelsson’s Steining (1930–50)’, pp. 541-542, in J.W.P. Campbell (Eds) Iron, Steel and Buildings. Studies in the History of Construction. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: The Construction History Society, 2020.
Nannini, ‘The Silence of Modernity. Technology, Technique, and Reception of Giuseppe Vaccaro’s Works since the 1930s’, pp. 277–89, in K.B. Jones (Eds) The Routledge Companion Guide to Fascist Italian Architecture: Reception and Legacy. Abington: Taylor & Francis/Routledge, 2020.
Nannini, ‘La Manifattura Tabacchi a Bologna di Pier Luigi Nervi: committenza, progetti, costruzione (1949–57)’, pp. 49-76, in M. Antonucci (Eds) La Manifattura Tabacchi a Bologna di Pier Luigi Nervi. Ricerche sull’architettura industriale contemporanea tra storia, tecnica e riuso, Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2019.
Nannini, M. Antonucci, ‘Through History and Technique. Pier Luigi Nervi on Architectural Resilience’, Architectural Histories, vol. 7, no. 1, 2019.
Nannini, ‘From Reception to Invention: the Arrival of Concrete to Iceland and the Rhetoric of Guðmundur Hannesson’, Arts, vol. 7, no. 4, 2018.

Monica Naretto
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Monica Naretto is associate professor of Architectural Restoration at the Politecnico di Torino, deputy director of the School of Specialisation in ‘Architectural and Landscape Heritage/Beni architettonici e del Paesaggio’ and professor of the PhD in ‘Architectural and Landscape Heritage/Beni architettonici e paesaggistici’ at the same University. She is teaching ‘Restoration Theories and History’ and ‘Atelier Restoration Project’ and she is scientific coordinator of conventions with public bodies and institutes for the development of research into the preservation of the architectural heritage. She was visiting researcher at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris (2017) and visiting professor at the Université Clermont Auvergne in Clermont-Ferrand (2019). Her studies focus on the construction history and the restoration history, the development of thinking on conservation in the European context, the project of compatible reuse of architectural and widespread heritage in the balance between preservation of memory and sustainable innovation.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; Architectural Heritage; Architectural Restoration; Conservation; Preservation
Devoti, M. Naretto (Eds), Archivi e cantieri per interpretare il patrimonio. Fonti, metodi, prospettive / Archives et chantiers pour l’interprétation du patrimoine. Sources, méthodes, mise en perspective. Sesto Fiorentino: All’Insegna del Giglio, 2021.
Naretto, ‘Le milieu viollet-le-ducien: l’oeuvre et la pensée de Victor Ruprich-Robert’, pp. 175-185, in B. Phalip, F. Chevalier (Eds), Pour une histoire de la restauration monumentale (XIXe – début XXe siècle). Une manifeste pour le temps présent, Collection Histoires Croisées, Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2021.
Naretto, ‘Enjeux, pratiques et perspectives de la restauration architecturale’, pp. 379-394, in B. Phalip, F. Chevalier (Eds), Pour une histoire de la restauration monumentale (XIXe – début XXe siècle). Une manifeste pour le temps présent, Collection Histoires Croisées, Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2021.
Naretto, ‘Antonio Bertola e le commesse della Reggente’, pp. 321-344, in C. Devoti (Ed.), Maria Giovanna Battista di Savoia-Nemours. Stato, capitale, architettura, Collana La Civiltà delle Corti, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2021.
Aghemo, M. Naretto, R. Taraglio, L. Valetti, ‘Un approccio metodologico al tema dell’integrazione degli impianti nelle architetture storiche: dall’analisi dell’esistente alle proposte di soluzioni compatibili per l’adeguamento e il riuso’, pp. 295-305, in G. Biscotin, G. Driussi, Il patrimonio culturale in mutamento. Le sfide dell’uso, Atti del XXXV Convegno Internazionale Scienza e Beni Culturali, Bressanone 1-5 luglio 2019. Treviso: Edizioni Arcadia Ricerche, 2018.
Novelli, Buone pratiche di conservazione e valorizzazione a rete del patrimonio architettonico religioso alpino: il territorio tra Valle Elvo (BI) e Canavese Montano (TO) / Good net-like conservation and development practices of Alpine religious architectural heritage, the territory between Elvo Valley (Bi) and Montano Canavese (To). Bologna: IN BO, vol. 10, 2016, pp. 183-196.
Fregonara, ‘Sostenibilità e interventi sul patrimonio storico: approcci a confronto’, Territorio, vol. 86, 2018, pp. 146-156.
Naretto, Charles Buls e il restauro. Antologia critica / Charles Buls et la restauration. Anthologie critique, Collana Nuova Serie di Architettura, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2016.

Manfredo Nicolis di Robilant
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Manfredo di Robilant is Assistant Professor of Architectural Design at Politecnico di Torino. He has been Research Associate to the 14th Venice architecture Biennale, directed by Rem Koolhaas, and Visiting Scholar at CCA Montréal. The core of his research is the relationship between utilitarian needs and symbolical values in architecture, that he particularly investigates through the elements of architecture, and the study of different methods of teaching architecture. On these topics he gave lectures and talks, among other schools, at Princeton School of Architecture, Washington University in St. Louis, Institut für Kunstwissenschaft in Bremen, Strelka Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Milan Polytechnic School, Tu Delft. He published articles and reviews, among other journals, on ‘LOG’, ‘Arch+’, ‘Bauwelt’, ‘World Architecture’, ‘JSAH’, ‘Domus’. He is founder and partner of the office DAR architettura, with Giovanni Durbiano and Alessandro Armando. Works of the office have been published by ‘Dezeen’, ‘Domusweb’, ‘Architectural Record’, ‘The Architects Newspaper’, ‘Abitare’.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Utility and Symbol in Architecture; Elements of Architecture; Gio Ponti; Methods in Teaching Architectural Design
Di Robilant, ‘Gridding off the Sky. The roof of the Neue Nationalgalerie’, in J. Jager, C. von Marlin (Eds), Neue Nationalgalerie. Mies van der Rohe’s Museum, Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2021.
Di Robilant, ‘Carlo Aymonino, rector of the IUAV: the university as a methodological microcosm’, in M. Orazi (Ed.), Carlo Aymonino. Loyalty to Betrayal, Milano: Electa, 2021.
Di Robilant, ‘The Aestheticization of mechanical systems: Gio Ponti’s Montecatini headquarters, Milan, 1936-39’, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 77, no. 2, 2018, pp. 186-203.
Di Robilant, C-LAB, Rem Koolhaas; AMO; Harvard GSD, I. Boom, Elements of Architecture – ceiling, Venezia-New York: Marsilio-Rizzoli International, 2014.
Di Robilant, N. Maak, Rem Koolhaas; AMO; Harvard GSD, I. Boom, Elements of Architecture – window, Venezia-New York: Marsilio-Rizzoli International, 2014.
Di Robilant, ‘Looking up. Nationalism and internationalism in ceilings, 1850-2000s’, pp. 171-184, in R. Quek, D. Deane (Eds), Nationalism and Architecture, Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.
PERSONAL PAGE ON: dar-architettura

Francesco Novelli
Associate Professor of Architectural Restoration
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Francesco Novelli Ph.D., Specialist in History, Analysis and Evaluation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage, architect, is an Associate Professor in architectural restoration at the DAD Department of Architecture and Design of the Polytechnic of Turin where he teaches as professor in theory restoration courses and ateliers for architecture degree courses. He carries out research and is the author of monographs and scientific essays on topics concerning the restoration of architectural heritage, the protection and conservation of the religious and fortified architectural heritage, the refunctionalization and enhancement project in complex restoration interventions. He is the scientific contact for the Department in research projects for the knowledge and restoration of Heritage-listed buildings, including Santa Chiara, in Turin (2016-ongoing, with E. Piccoli), the Former industrial factory Pettinature Riunite Rivetti of Giuseppe Pagano in Biella (2019-ongoing, with C. Bartolozzi), the Tower bell of B. A. Vittone in Montanaro, Turin (2020-ongoing).
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: History; religious architectural heritage; fortified heritage; preservation and restoration tecnique
- Chiri, D.R. Fiorino, E. Morezzi, F. Novelli, Paesaggi militari del Campo Trincerato di Roma. Progetti per Forte Aurelia. Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2020.
Novelli (Ed), Da Villa Adriana verso la grande bellezza. Roma: Accademia Adrianea Edizioni, Vol. 2, 2019.
Novelli, ‘Santa Chiara di Bernardo Antonio Vittone a Torino: ‘buone pratiche’ in un secolo di restauri delle superfici’, in G. Biscontin, G. Driussi (Eds), Intervenire sulle superfici dell’Architettura tra bilanci e prospettive, 34° Convegno di studi internazionale, Bressanone 3-6 luglio 2018. Treviso: Edizioni Arcadia Ricerche, 2018, pp. 777-786.
Novelli, E. Piccoli (Eds), Sguardi incrociati su un convento vittoniano. Santa Chiara a Torino. Genova: Sagep Editori, 2017.
Novelli, Buone pratiche di conservazione e valorizzazione a rete del patrimonio architettonico religioso alpino: il territorio tra Valle Elvo (BI) e Canavese Montano (TO) / Good net-like conservation and development practices of Alpine religious architectural heritage, the territory between Elvo Valley (Bi) and Montano Canavese (To). Bologna: IN BO, vol. 10, 2016, pp. 183-196.

Edoardo Piccoli (CHG Coordinator)
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Edoardo Piccoli is associate Professor of Architecture History at the Politecnico di Torino. He is a historian specialising in the early modern period and his research mainly focuses on the 18th century, with particular interest for Italian and French architecture. Throughout his career, Edoardo has also studied and investigated the history of construction, with a focus on 18th century vaulted structures, brick architecture in Early Modern Piedmont, Bernando Vittone’s works, and the development of military architecture. He collaborated as a historical counselor in research projects on Heritage-listed buildings, including the Cavallerizza, in Turin (with Homers, 2016-17), Santa Chiara, in Turin (2016-ongoing), Citadel of Alessandria (with the interdepartmental center FULL and professor Cesare Tocci, 2017-20), and La Mandria, near Venaria.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; Early Modern architecture; Citadel of Alessandria; vaulted structures; Italian and French architecture
Piccoli, C. Tocci, ‘A prova di bomba. Ingegneri, architetti e teorie sulle volte in un cantiere militare di metà Settecento’, Archistor, vol. VI, no.12, 2019, pp. 212-251.
Piccoli, C. Tocci, ‘Building on Water and the Modern State. Eighteenth Century foundation techniques in the fortifications of Alessandria’, pp. 358-376, in J.W.P. Campbell (Ed) Water, Doors and Buildings. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: The Construction History Society, 2019.
Piccoli, (with M. Sassone), ‘The Grid Structures of Nervi’s first Hangars in Orvieto: Innovation in Context’, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS, vol. 54, 2013, pp. 10.
Piccoli, ‘Finire, rifinire, non finire. A proposito di alcune costruzioni settecentesche in muratura’, pp. 263-275, in M. Volpiano (Ed), Il cantiere storico. Organizzazione mestieri tecniche costruttive, Savigliano: L’Artistica, 2012,
Piccoli, ‘Dialectique entre tradition et science moderne au milieu du XVIIIe siècle à Turin: Bernardo Vittone et Giovanni Battista Borra’, pp.175-181, in R. Carvais R., A. Guillerme (Eds), Edifice et Artifice. Histoires Constructives, Paris: Picard, 2010.
Piccoli, ‘Disegni di Guarini per le volte degli edifici civili’, pp. 43-50, in G. Dardanello, S. Klaiber, (Eds), Guarino Guarini, Torino: Umberto Allemandi & C., 2006.

Alice Pozzati
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Alice Pozzati, Arch. PhD, is a research fellow at the Politecnico di Torino for a project on the establishment of the Turin School of Architecture in the early 20th century. She obtain her PhD on May 23, 2022 with a thesis titled From Theory to Practice. Madrid’s Ciudad Lineal, the project of an entrepreneur, Arturo Soria y Mata (supervisor Annalisa Dameri, PhD in Architectural and Landscape Heritage, Department of Architecture and Design of the Politecnico di Torino, cycle XXXIII). Since 2014, she has worked in the field of historical-archival research with a focus on the analysis of urban transformations (18th – 20th century) in Turin and Madrid. She is included in the Roll of scholars and experts from outside the Polytechnic University of Turin qualified to carry out teaching activities (disciplinary sector ICAR/18). She is a contract professor in charge of the Master’s Degree in Architecture for Sustainability’s introductory seminar “Architecture, Environment, Resources: Histories and Projects” (academic year 2022/2023).
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History, 19th century architecture, History of the City, architecture of eclecticism, heritage
A. Pozzati, ‘Fenoglio per l’industria’, id. 4.4., in G. L. Fontana (ed.), Stati Generali del Patrimonio Industriale 2018, Marsilio Editori: Venezia 2020.
A. Pozzati, ‘Da macchina da guerra a “decoroso fondale”: la Cittadella di Torino nell’Ottocento’, pp. 735- 742, in J. Navarro Palazón, L. J. García-Pulido (eds.), Difensive architecture of the Mediterranean, Vol. XI, FORTMED, Universidad de Granada, Editorial Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife 2020.
A. Pozzati, ‘Casa Bellia en Turín: nuevos espacios para la burguesía’, pp. 315-326, in “La casa. Espacios domésticos, modos de habitar” proceeding of the II Congreso Internacional Cultura y Ciudad. La Casa. Espacios domésticos, modos de habitar (Granada, 23-25 January 2019).
A. Pozzati, ‘Spazi per l’industria: Pietro Fenoglio a Torino’, pp. 52-60, ATTI E RASSEGNA TECNICA, NUOVA SERIE – ANNO LXXIII:2 (2019).
A. Pozzati, ‘Progettare San Salvario. L’Ospedale Divisionario Militare al centro del dibattito per l’espansione della città’, in M. Livadiotti, R. Belli Pasqua, L. M. Caliò, G. Martines (eds.), Theatroeideis. L’immagine della città, la città delle immagini, Vol. III L’immagine della città moderna, Edizioni Quasar: Roma 2018.
A. Pozzati, ‘Crescentino Caselli e l’ospizio di S. Vincenzo a Vinovo’, pp. 19-27, in C. Coscia, S. Gron, E. Morezzi, A. Primavera (eds.), Occasioni di dialogo. Progetto di recupero urbano a Vinovo: La Casa della Divina Provvidenza, Cultural Heritage, Torino 2018.

Fulvio Rinaudo
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino

Davide Rolfo
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Davide Rolfo architect and PhD is Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Design of the Politecnico di Torino. He conducted research on the relationship between architectural design, urban design and landscape and on the ways of contemporary living. He has published studies on Italian architectural figures of the 1960s (Jaretti and Luzi, Raineri), following an interest in the roots of post-war Piedmontese architecture. He is a member of the scientific committee of the journal ‘Atti e Rassegna Tecnica della Società degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino’; he is also a member of ProArch, the Italian national association of teachers of architectural design. He has been involved in research and didactic projects with the following universities: ENSASE Saint-Etienne, KIT Kyoto, KU Leuven, Politecnico di Milano. He is author or editor of some 140 scientific publications.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; Architectural Design; Housing; Piedmontese Architecture
Rolfo, A. De Rossi, ‘Giorgio Raineri: la difficile eredità di un esordio brillante’, pp. 148-156, in G. Canella, P. Mellano (Eds), Giorgio Raineri 1927-2012, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2020.
De Pieri, G. Caramellino, C. Renzoni, D. Rolfo, ‘Torino e le storie dell’abitare: alcune piste di ricerca’ Atti e Rassegna Tecnica della Società degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino, vol. LXXIII, no. 2, 2019, pp. 20-26.
M.L. Barelli, P. Gregory, D. Rolfo, ‘Torino, per i sovrappassi delle Vallette ha vinto l’incuria’, Il Giornale dell’Architettura, 30 aprile 2019 (link).
M.L. Barelli, D. Rolfo, Il palazzo dell’Obelisco di Jaretti e Luzi: progetto e costruzione, Roma: Gangemi, 2018.
Rolfo, ‘Il fascino discreto della borghesia: Costruire su un lotto difficile. Piazza Statuto, Torino’, pp. 369-387, in F. De Pieri (Eds), Storie di case. Abitare l’Italia del boom, Roma: Donzelli, 2013.

Roberta Spallone
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Roberta Spallone architect and Ph.D. in ‘Drawing and Survey of Architectural Heritage’, is Full Professor at the Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design (DAD). She is a member of the School of Architecture, and currently teaches in the Laboratory of Drawing and Survey and Digital techniques of representation. She is on the Board of the Doctorate of Architectural and Landscape Heritage and has been director of the excellence Ph.D. course ‘Complex vaulted systems: geometry, design, construction’. Her research focusses on the fields of history and criticism of architectural drawing, with particular attention to classic treatises on architecture and the art of fortification, and digital technologies for graphical analyses and reconstructive modeling. She is author of a hundred and 80 publications including monographs and essays, has been chair of International Conferences, invited lecturer to MSc courses and Conferences, and speaker in many International Conferences.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: History of Representation; Digital Modelling; Descriptive Geometry; Vaulted Systems; Fortifications
Bianchini, J. Calvo-López, A. Giordano, A. López-Mozo, P. Navarro-Camallonga, R. Spallone, M. Vitali, Complex Vaulted Systems: Geometry, Design, Construction, Rome: Aracne, 2020.
Palma, R. Spallone, M. Vitali, ‘Augmented Turin baroque atria: AR experiences for enhancing cultural heritage’ International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XLII-2/W9, pp. 557–564.
Spallone, ‘The ‘Regular Fortress’ by Guarini and the Citadel of Turin’, Nexus Network Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 255-257.
Spallone, Geometry, Arithmetic, Architecture. Calculation Methods for Vault Surfaces in the Modo di Misurare le Fabriche by Guarini, in L. Cocchiarella (ed.), ICGG 2018, Cham: Birkhäuser-Springer, 2019, pp. 2108-2119.
Spallone, M. Vitali, Star-shaped and Planterian Vaults in Turin Baroque Atria, Rome: Aracne, 2017.

Cesare Tocci
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Cesare Tocci is associate professor of Architectural Restoration at the Politecnico di Torino. His scientific research activity focuses on problems related to seismic safety of historical architecture, with specific regard to the themes of historical analysis, constructional survey and modelling of structural response of masonry buildings and, more generally, the themes related to the history of mechanics and its relation with architecture. He is the author of more than eighty publications on the cited topics.
He has worked, as a designer or consultant, on the structural aspects of different restoration projects (including the Cathedral of Noto, the church of San Nicolò l’Arena in Catania, the covering of the Julius Caesar’s Hall in Campidoglio in Rome, the church of San Pietro di Coppito in L’Aquila: for this latter project he has received the “Leonardo Paterna Baldizzi” award from the Accademia dei Lincei) and has contributed, as a collaborator or coordinator, to research projects on seismic vulnerability and construction history.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: construction history; history of mechanics; anti-seismic historical techniques; structural analysis; architectural treatises
M.L. Barelli, C. Tocci, ‘Masonry and its role in the mid-20th century: G area houses in the Le Vallette district of Turin’, pp. 177-184, in J. Mascarenhas-Mateus (Eds) History of Construction Cultures, Volume II. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Construction History, New York, Leiden: Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
C.F. Carocci, V. Macca, C. Tocci, ‘The roots of the 18th century turning point in earthquake-resistant building’, pp. 623-630, in J. Mascarenhas-Mateus (Eds) History of Construction Cultures, Volume II. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Construction History, New York, Leiden: Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Piccoli, C. Tocci, ‘A prova di bomba. Ingegneri, architetti e teorie sulle volte in un cantiere militare di metà Settecento’, ArcHistoR, vol. VI, no.12, 2019, pp. 212-251.
Piccoli, C. Tocci, ‘Building on Water and the Modern State. Eighteenth Century foundation techniques in the fortifications of Alessandria’, pp. 358-376, in J.W.P. Campbell (Ed) Water, Doors and Buildings. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: The Construction History Society, 2019.
C.F. Carocci, C. Tocci, ‘The timber truss dome of the Bellini Theatre in Catania: its history and construction’, Construction History. International Journal of the Construction History Society, vol. 31, No. 2, 2016, pp. 177-200.
C.F. Carocci, C. Tocci, ‘The Giulio Cesare Hall in Palazzo Senatorio in Campidoglio. Notes on the late XIX century construction-site’, pp. 265-276, in Further Studies in the History of Construction. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: Construction History Society, 2016.
Capecchi, C. Tocci, ‘Three technical reports of R.G. Boscovich on the statics of domes’, pp. 251-262, in Further Studies in the History of Construction. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: Construction History Society, 2016.
Masiani, C. Tocci, ‘Ancient and modern restorations on the Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol. 6, no.5, 2012, pp. 542-561.
Capecchi, C. Tocci, ‘Le peripezie sulla cupola vaticana di Le Seur, Jacquier e Boscovich’, Palladio, no. 47, 2011, pp. 43-58.

Giulio Ventura
DISEG Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Giulio Ventura is Full Professor in Mechanics of Structures at Politecnico di Torino. Giulio Ventura got his PhD in Computational Mechanics at Catania University with a thesis on the mechanics of masonry structures. He joined the Faculty of Architecture of Politecnico di Torino in 1999, where he taught for many years the class of Statics andStability of Masonry and Monumental Structures in the program of History and Conservation. His research activity in the field of masonries is mainly focused on static restoration, computational methods and limit analysis. In the restoration of the Holy Shroud Chapel in Turin he has also authored the judged best technical proposal for the construction site works organization by the tender committee.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Masonry modeling, limit analysis, structural stability and safety
Viale, G. Ventura, ‘Shear Flat Jack Test for Evaluating Shear Characteristics on Unreinforced Masonry Structures’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2020, in press.
Cervera, C. Tesei, G. Ventura, ‘Cracking of quasi-brittle structures under monotonic and cyclic loadings: A d+/d- damaged model with stiffness recovery in shear’, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 135 (2018), pp. 148-171.
Ventura, M. Coppola, C. Calderini, M.A. Chiorino, ‘Three-dimensional limit analysis of the Vicoforte elliptical dome’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 8 no. 5 (2014), pp. 649-699.
Bavera, G. Ventura, C. Bartolozzi, ‘La reversibilità dei compositi fibrorinforzati: test sperimentali’, Arkos: scienza restauro valorizzazione, 5-6, p. 61.

Marco Vitali
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Marco Vitali earned a Ph.D. in ‘Drawing and Survey for the protection of the Housing stock and Territorial Heritage’ from the Politecnico di Torino, where he is Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD). He currently teaches in the Laboratory of Drawing and Survey, in the Bachelor in Architecture program, and the Representation project—Fundamentals of Descriptive geometry in the Bachelor in Design and Visual communication program. His research concerns the areas of architectural survey, urban and environmental survey, descriptive geometry and digital representation, fields in which he presented papers at international conferences and published 90 works, including monographs and articles.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Survey; Geometry; 3D modelling; Digital Heritage; Complex vaulted systems
Bianchini, J. Calvo-López, A. Giordano, A. López-Mozo, P. Navarro-Camallonga, R. Spallone, M. Vitali, Sistemi voltati complessi: geometria, disegno, costruzione | Complex Vaulted Systems: Geometry, Design, Construction. Canterano: Aracne editrice, 2019.
Spallone, M. Vitali, ‘Rectangular Ratios in the Design of Villas from Serlio’s Manuscript for Book VII of Architecture’, NEXUS NETWORK JOURNAL, 21 (2019), pp. 293–328.
Spallone, M. Vitali, ‘Geometry, Modularity and Proportion in the Extraordinario Libro by Sebastiano Serlio: 50 Portals Between Regola and Licentia’, NEXUS NETWORK JOURNA, 21:2 (2019), pp. 1-29.
Palma, R. Spallone, M. Vitali, ‘Augmented Turin Baroque Atria: AR Experiences for Enhancing Cultural Heritage’ INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, XLII/W9 (2019), pp. 557-564.
Spallone, M. Vitali, Volte stellari e planteriane negli atri barocchi in Torino – Star-shaped and Planterian Vaults in Turin Baroque Atria. Ariccia: Aracne editrice, 2017.

Monica Volinia
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Monica Volinia is an architect. Since 1994, she deals with the study, design and development of diagnostic non-destructive techniques applied to the architectural and environmental heritage; in particular, she has developed her knowledge in investigating cultural assets with the following techniques: infrared thermography, remote visual inspection and wood Resistograph testing. She develops applications of NDT through fundamental and applied research, on-site testing activities, which also include third party testing; she also supports the University’s teaching activities and holds professional training courses to promote the use of non-destructive testing techniques. In 2008, she obtained the International Certification for ‘Expert Workers in the field of conservation of cultural heritage with regard to architectural structures’ in IR Thermography, Visual inspections and Wood methods.
She is a member of some Scientific Committees and is part of many research groups in the field of non-destructive diagnostics and cultural heritage. Since 2019, she has been a board member of the Italian Society for non-destructive testing monitoring diagnostic.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Cultural Heritage, Non-destructive testing, Infrared Thermography, Monitoring, Conservation
Finco, M. Girotto, M. Gomez Serito, M. Volinia, ‘Un contributo per la conoscenza della Chiesa di Santa Giulitta: la termografia all’infrarosso per la lettura delle tessiture murarie e l’interpretazione delle fasi costruttive’, pp. 364-373, in P. Demeglio (Ed.) Un paesaggio medievale tra Piemonte e Liguria. Il sito di Santa Giulitta e l’alta Val Tanaro, Sesto fiorentino: All’Insegna del Giglio, 2019.
Grazzini, A. Quattrone, M. Volinia, M. Girotto, ‘La multidisciplinarità delle tecniche diagnostiche per una corretta interpretazione delle vulnerabilità sismiche del costruito monumentale: il caso studio del Santuario di Santa Maria delle Grazie a Varoni (Amatrice)’, in AIPnD, (Ed.) Proceedings of the 18th National Conference on Non Destructive Testing Diagnostic Monitoring, Milano 2019, Brescia: AIPnD, 2019.
Volinia (et al.), ‘Sistemi di monitoraggio e controllo, approfondimenti diagnostici e interventi di manutenzione per la conservazione preventiva delle superfici decorate della cappella di Sant’Uberto a Venaria’, pp. 381-391, in G. Driussi (Ed.) Proceedings of the 34th Congress on Sciences and Cultural Heritage ‘Intervenire sulle superfici dell’architettura tra bilanci e prospettive’, Bressanone 2018, Marghera: Arcadia Ricerche, 2018.
Volinia (et al.), ‘Conservation of historical frescoes by timed infrared imaging analyses’, Opto-Electronics Rewiew, vol. 23 no. 1 2015, pp. 100-106.
Volinia, ‘Integration of qualitative and quantitative infrared surveys to study the plaster conditions of Valentino Castle’, pp. 324-334, in R.B. Dinwiddie, D.H. Le Mieux (Eds) Proceedings of Thermosense XXII, vol. 4020, Orlando 2000, Washington: SPIE, 2000.

Mauro Volpiano (CHG Coordinator)
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Architectural historian, Ph.D., faculty since 2004, M. Volpiano teaches Comparative City History, Urban and Landscape Heritage and Modern Age Architectural History at the Politecnico di Torino. He authored more than 150 publications on built heritage related to modern and contemporary age Piedmont and Italy. His research focuses on the architectural and construction history in the Savoyard States in the late modern and early contemporary age and on the architectural profession and sociability. He is also interested in studies connected to historic landscapes and cities in the context of cultural heritage policies and planning. In recent years, he has been involved in research and didactic projects with the universities of Nagoya (invited research fellow 2016), Tokyo, Hosei-Tokyo, Hokkaido, KIT Kyoto, Grenoble, Aix-Marseille, TU Delft, MIT Boston (Awardee of a MISTI Grant with the research From Tradition to Innovation. Exploring Ancient Structures and Technologies of Northern Italian Baroque Architecture).
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction History; Late Modern (XVII-XVIII century) architecture; XIX century architectural profession and sociability; historic landscapes and cities
Burgassi, M. Volpiano, ‘Building the ephemeral in Turin, capital of the Savoyard states’, pp. 457-462, in J.Mascarenhas-Mateus (Eds) History of Construction Cultures, Volume I. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Construction History, New York, Leiden: Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Burgassi, M. Volpiano, ‘Traditions and Innovations: the construction of the court palaces and the role of professional figures in Eighteenth-century Piedmont’, pp. 275-286, in J.W.P. Campbell (Eds) Iron, Steel and Buildings. Studies in the History of Construction. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: The Construction History Society, 2020.
Volpiano (et al.), ‘La struttura di monitoraggio scientifico dei cantieri della Venaria Reale. Un approccio multidisciplinare alla comprensione dell’architettura storica, pp. 320-329 in Gruppo Italiano IGIIC, (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress IGIIC International Institute for Conservation, Genova 2004. Genova: IGIIC, 2012.
Volpiano, Il cantiere storico. Organizzazione, mestieri, tecniche costruttive, Savigliano: L’Artistica Editrice, 2012.
Volpiano (Ed.), Le residenze sabaude come cantieri di conoscenza. vol. I: Ricerca storica, materiali e tecniche costruttive. vol. 2: Progetto di conservazione, tecniche di intervento e nuove professionalità, Torino: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino, 2005.
Volpiano, U. Zich, ‘Scientific monitoring and documentation of the Venaria Reale restoration sites’, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 1, 2005, pp. 982-985.
Volpiano, 1862-1903. La Mole Antonelliana. Da sinagoga a museo nazionale dell’indipendenza italiana, Torino: L’Artistica Editrice, 2012.
PhD Students

Fabrizio Natta
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: I graduated in 2019 in Architecture for the Sustainable Project with a thesis entitled: ‘Le volte guariniane nell’Appartamento di Mezzanotte di Palazzo Carignano. Autograph drawings, survey and digital interpretation’, supervisors Prof. Roberta Spallone, Edoardo Piccoli, Marco Vitali and I am currently a student of the XXVI cycle of the Doctorate Course in Architectural and Landscape Heritage. My research interests on the geometry of vaulted systems in brickwork are connected with the study of treatises andmanuals, with the analysis of archive drawings and with the survey of architectural organisms. I am currently studying the possibility of digitalparameterization of curves and surfaces, aimed at comparing survey data with the equipment for the construction of vaults. On these topics I have been a speaker at several international conferences and I work as a trainer in some courses inthe area of representation.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Geometry; Digital modelling; Digital Heritage; Complex vaulted systems; Survey
Spallone et. al., ‘From Survey To 3d Modelling to Digital Fabrication. A Workflow Aimed at Documenting and Transmitting Built Heritage’, Int. Arch.Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2, 2021, pp. 619-626.
Natta, ‘The Vault with Intertwined Arches in Castle of Racconigi: 3D Digital Reconstruction’, Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage:Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 624–632.
López González et al., ‘Baroque Banded Vaults: Surveying and Modeling. The Case Study of a Noble Palace in Turin’, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2 (2020), pp. 871-878.
Natta, ‘Dai disegni autografi di Guarini all’interpretazione digitale: modelli di volte a fascie | From Guarini’s autograph drawings to digital interpretation: a fascie vault models’, pp. 213-228, in C. Bianchini (Eds), Sistemi voltati complessi: geometria, disegno, costruzione | Complex vaulted systems:geometry, design, construction. Canterano: Aracne editrice, 2020.
Vitali et al., ‘Protection and Enhancement of Plastic Models: The Model of the Citadel of Turin’, pp. 464-474, in L. Agustín-Hernández (Eds), Graphical Heritage. EGA 2020. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 5, Cham: Springer, 2020.

Alessia Monaco
Assistant Professor
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
Alessia Monaco eng. Ph.D. is Assistant Professor (Rtd-B) in Structural Engineering (ICAR09) at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design. She obtained a master’s degree in Civil Engineering and Architecture and a PhD in Structural Engineering at the University of Palermo (Italy). Currently, she is conducting teaching activities at Politecnico di Torino, holding courses for the Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and the Master’s degree in Architecture Construction City, as well as for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Ph.D. program. She conducts research activities in the field of structural engineering, dealing with both static and seismic behaviour of new and existing structures. Her research products mainly focus on steel-concrete composite constructions, masonry structures, sustainable strengthening systems and innovative dissipative connections. She is a member of several research groups and co-inventor of a national patent on friction-dissipative devices in hybrid structures. Since 2023, she has been the Principal Investigator of an ongoing 2-year national research program titled “Structural Rehabilitation of Vaults in Heritage Asset Learning: collapse identification and design of compatible strengthening systems supported by adaptive 3D models (REVHEAL)”, funded by the European Union.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: hybrid steel-concrete structures; masonry structures; strengthening systems; fabric/fibre reinforced composite materials; seismic resilient structures; dissipative connections
Monaco, ‘Numerical prediction of the shear response of semi-prefabricated steel-concrete trussed beams’, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 124, 2016, pp. 462-474.
Alforno, A. Monaco, F. Venuti, C. Calderini, ‘Validation of simplified micro-models for the static analysis of masonry arches and vaults’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol. 15, no. 8, 2021, pp. 1196-1212.
La Mendola, M. Accardi, F. Agnello, A. Monaco, ‘Path of Knowledge for the Assessment of Structural Safety of the Pisan Tower of the Royal Palace of Palermo in Italy’, Heritage, vol. 6, no. 8, 2023, pp. 5818-5847.
Monaco, G. Minafò, C. Cucchiara, J. D’Anna, L. La Mendola, ‘Finite element analysis of the out-of-plane behavior of FRP strengthened masonry panels’, Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 115, 2017, pp. 188-202.
Monaco, G. Minafò, J. D’Anna, M.C. Oddo, L. La Mendola, ‘Constitutive Numerical Model of FRCM Strips Under Traction’, Frontiers in Built Environment, vol. 6, 2020, article number 60.
Colajanni, L. La Mendola, A. Monaco, S. Pagnotta, ‘Seismic Performance of Earthquake-Resilient RC Frames Made with HSTC Beams and Friction Damper Devices’, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 26, no. 15, 2022, pp. 7787-7813.

Marco Alforno
Assistant Professor
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
Marco Alforno holds the position of Assistant Professor (Rtd-A) in Structural Engineering at the Department of Architecture and Design and teaches Morphology and Conception of Structures at the Bachelor Course in Architecture. He earned a Master’s Degree in Architecture awarded by both Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano and a PhD in Structural Engineering obtained from the Architecture and Landscape Heritage Doctoral program at Politecnico di Torino. His dissertation probed the impact of constructional features, such as brick arrangement, on the structural response of masonry vaults. He is member of the Alta Scuola Politecnica Alumni Association. His research topics include the structural analysis of masonry vaulted structures via computational and experimental methods, the structural analysis of early 20th century reinforced concrete frames and the effects of blast loads on civil and industrial structures.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: masonry vaults; brick pattern; computational and experimental methods for structural analysis; blast loads; explosions
Roselli, M. Alforno, A. Manuello Bertetto, F. Venuti, ‘Experimental investigation of the effect of brick pattern on the structural response of masonry arches and barrel vaults’, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 368, 2023, pp. 130434
Alforno, F. Venuti, A. Monaco, C. Calderini, ‘Seismic behaviour of cross vaults with different masonry apparatus’, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 20, 2022, pp. 3921–3939
Alforno, F. Venuti, A. Monaco, C. Calderini, ‘Numerical investigation of the influence of constructive aspects on the structural behaviour of masonry cross vaults’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol. 17, no. 6, 2021, pp. 868-891
Alforno, A. Monaco, F. Venuti, C. Calderini, ‘Validation of simplified micro-models for the static analysis of masonry arches and vaults’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol. 15, no. 8, 2021, pp. 1196-1212
Alforno, F. Venuti, A. Monaco, ‘The structural effects of micro-geometry on masonry vaults’, Nexus Network Journal, vol. 22, 2020, pp. 1237–1258

Fiammetta Venuti
Assistant Professor
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
Fiammetta Venuti earned a Master Degree in Architecture and a PhD in Structural Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. She currently works as an Assistant Professor (RTDb) at the Department of Architecture and Design and teaches Morphology and Conception of Structures at the Bachelor Course in Architecture. Her research topics focus on the relations between form and structure and cover a variety of structural typologies, from footbridges to gridshell structures to masonry arches and vaults. In particular, she has investigated the role of constructive aspects, such as the brick pattern, on the structural behaviour of vaults through numerical structural analysis and experimental tests on in-scale specimens.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: form-resistant structures; footbridges; gridshells; masonry vaults; brick pattern; computational and experimental structural analysis
Roselli, M. Alforno, A. Manuello Bertetto, F. Venuti, ‘Experimental investigation of the effect of brick pattern on the structural response of masonry arches and barrel vaults’, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 368, 2023, pp. 130434
Alforno, F. Venuti, A. Monaco, C. Calderini, ‘Seismic behaviour of cross vaults with different masonry apparatus’, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 20, 2022, pp. 3921–3939
Alforno, F. Venuti, A. Monaco, C. Calderini, ‘Numerical investigation of the influence of constructive aspects on the structural behaviour of masonry cross vaults’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol. 17, no. 6, 2021, pp. 868-891
Alforno, A. Monaco, F. Venuti, C. Calderini, ‘Validation of simplified micro-models for the static analysis of masonry arches and vaults’, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol. 15, no. 8, 2021, pp. 1196-1212
Alforno, F. Venuti, A. Monaco, ‘The structural effects of micro-geometry on masonry vaults’, Nexus Network Journal, vol. 22, 2020, pp. 1237–1258

Rosa Maria Marta Caruso
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
Rosa Caruso, Arch. PhD, is a post-doctoral research fellow at Politecnico di Torino for the project “INFORTREAT. Reconstructing the Early Modern bastioned front. INformation models for the fruition of constructive knowledge in FORtified architecture TREATises (16th-18th Century): a new integrated analysis tool for the interpretation, restoration and main”. In 2023 she obtaineid her PhD at “La Sapienza” University of Rome with the thesis Il concorso internazionale di idee del 1969 per il ponte sullo Stretto di Messina. Le premesse e i progetti, an historical reconstruction of an event that bequeathed an important legacy of technical and urban planning projects that returned the most debated design themes of the late 1960s.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: construction history, architectural competitions, 20th century architecture, megastructures
R.M.M. Caruso, ‘Il concorso per il ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, 1969’, in Marzia Marandola, Marko Pogacnik (a cura di), Ingegneria italiana del Novecento. Scuole e protagonisti, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2022, pp. 30-41.
R.M.M. Caruso, ‘Il rilancio del progetto per il ponte di Messina in risposta al cantiere dell’Autostrada del Sole (1956-1964)’, in Salvatore D’Agostino; Francesca Romana d’Ambrosio Alfano; Elena Manzo (a cura di), History of engineering, Atti del 9° Convegno Nazionale di Storia dell’Ingegneria, Napoli 16-17 maggio 2022, Cuzzolin editore, Napoli, 2022, 557-570.
R.M.M. Caruso, ‘Progetti visionari per il ponte sullo Stretto di Messina nel 1969. Le proposte di Rinaldo Semino, Theodore Waddell e Lorenzo Tortolina’, Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia, 34, 2022, 61-70.

Renata Finocchiaro
PhD Student
DAD Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino
Renata Finocchiaro is currently a PhD student in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at the Politecnico di Torino, with a thesis related to the topic of centres abandoned due to seismic events, particularly the case of Poggioreale antica in Sicily. Graduated in architecture at the University of Catania with a thesis relating to the recovery of the abandoned village of Cunziria di Vizzini (CT), then she attended the School of Specialization in Architectural and Landscape Heritage at La Sapienza University of Rome, graduating in 2021 with a thesis relating to the study of the construction characteristics of the Palazzetto Venezia in Rome. The interest in the construction aspects of historical architecture is also central to her current research, where analysis aimed at the preservation of historic masonry architecture cannot be separated from the knowledge and analysis of construction techniques and the definition of measures for their preservation.
RESEARCH KEYWORDS: Construction history; Poggioreale antica; Abandoned historical centres; Conservation
R. Finocchiaro, ‘Rammendare la memoria, tra conservazione di resti materiali e riconoscimento di frammenti intangibili. Il caso di Poggioreale (TP)’, pp. 1104-1111, in: S. Della Torre, V. Russo (a cura di.), Restauro dell’architettura. Per un progetto di qualità, Atti del convegno SIRA, Napoli 15 16 giugno 2023, ISBN: 979-88-5491-462-8
R. Finocchiaro, C. Tocci, ‘Masons, nobles and viceroys. Building techniques in ancien régime Sicily. Catalan vaults in Poggioreale’, pp. 119-130, in J.W.P. Campbell (Eds) Studies in Construction History. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: The Construction History Society, 2023.
C.F. Carocci, F. Cannizzaro, S. Cocina, A. Di Martino, R. Finocchiaro, N. Impollonia, V. Macca, A. Terrana, C. Tocci, ‘Preservation of Abandoned Historic Centres. The Case of Poggioreale antica (Sicily)’ in Land journal, special issue Preservation, Reuse and Reveal of Cultural Heritage through Sustainable Land Management, Rural and Urban Development II, 2023, ISSN 2073 445X
C.F. Carocci, R. Finocchiaro, V. Macca, ‘The so-called ‘Palazzetto’ in the Palazzo di Venezia complex: a small construction history among the huge transformation events of the Rome centre in early twentieth century’, pp. 119-130, in J.W.P. Campbell (Eds) The history of building trades and professionalism. Proceedings of the Eight Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge: The Construction History Society, 2021.
A. Gallo, R. Finocchiaro, ‘Il rischio oblio dei piccoli borghi. La cunziria di Vizzini’ in F. Ribera Ferrari (a cura di), Architettura a rischio. Tutela, conservazione, trasformazione, Esempi di Architettura, 56, Roma: Aracne, 2022, pp. 83-95, ISBN: 979-12-218-0008-1, DOI: 10.53136/97912218000816