Home 9 News 9 Ninth Annual Conference on Construction History, Cambridge (CHS) 01-02 04 2022

Ninth Annual Conference on Construction History, Cambridge (CHS) 01-02 04 2022

The Ninth Annual Conference on Construction History (CHS) will take place on 1st-2nd April, 2022 at Queen’s College, Cambridge. The theme will be Timber Construction. It will be followed by a one day conference on Sunday 3rd April on James Essex, the 18th century architect and builder. The conference will be in hybrid mode with a live audience in Queen’s and live presentations but where necessary presentations online. All those delivering papers must register for the conference. The committee aim to produce the printed proceedings to be available on the first day of the conference.

Our CHG member Martina Motta is attending with a paper on “The Wood Sector and the King’s Works. A Different Perspective for the Study of 18th Century Royal Construction Sites in the Kingdom of Sardinia”.

Link to the programme here