Third WORKSHOP HIDDEN STRUCTURES (25th-30th Sep. 2023, Valentino Castle)

The WS organised by CHG Construction History Group Politecnico di Torino DAD (prof. Edoardo Piccoli, Cesare Tocci, Giulio Ventura, Erica Lenticchia) will take place from Monday 25th to Saturday 30th September 2023. The WS will take place at the Valentino Castle (Politecnico di Torino).
The workshop by the CHG about HIDDEN STRUCTURES is organised by the members of the Construction History Group – Politecnico di Torino – (professors Edoardo Piccoli, Cesare Tocci, Giulio Ventura and Erica Lenticchia with the partnership of Collegio di Architettura and Collegio di Ingegneria – 2 CFU (50 hours). 12 places available for students enrolled (or to be enrolled for the academic year 2023/24 in PoliTo MACC, MASt, MAP and Engineering.
For interested applicants, please send an email with a copy of your identity card or Passport and CV in a unique pdf to and
The informations for participation are here