Home 9 News 9 Valentina Burgassi “La Rocca Ubaldesca di Sassocorvaro come palazzo fortificato. Nuove considerazioni su tipologie e tecniche costruttive”, May 12th 2024 08 05 2024

Valentina Burgassi “La Rocca Ubaldesca di Sassocorvaro come palazzo fortificato. Nuove considerazioni su tipologie e tecniche costruttive”, May 12th 2024 08 05 2024

Valentina Burgassi (Politecnico di Torino – DAD, Construction History Group – CHG) will present her contribute “La Rocca Ubaldesca di Sassocorvaro come palazzo fortificato. Nuove considerazioni su tipologie e tecniche costruttive” at the Institute of Castels Conference, Marche Section: “Sixty Years of the Italian Institute of Castles: studies, research, and experiences in Montefeltro”.

The conference is organized by the Marche Section of the Italian Institute of Castles on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of its foundation – National Castle Days / XV Edition

Download the full programme here 

May 12th 2024, 10:00 am
Rocca di Sassocorvaro (PU)

More info marche@istitutoitalianocastelli.it